Videographer Basic Tutorials For the Internet
Materials you should have At least a 150 GB external drive Your camera The proper cables needed to connect everything to our computers
Select your Tutorial Camera Tutorial Shooting Tutorial Editing Tutorial Exporting for the web
Camera Basics There are many types of cameras in our modern word, here some examples Flip type cameras- are good for beginners Digital Camcorder- Can have 1 or 3 image sensors and can be for beginners or experts Digital SLR- is pretty much picture camera that has an HD video function. Next
Flip type cameras Very user friendly Every feature automatically adjusts They record on an external Drive’ They are a very fast overall camera, you can shoot and edit a video in about half the time of other types of cameras Next
Digital Camcorders Have most adjustments needed to make the picture exactly how you want Can record onto digital tape, internal HD, or SD card Many formats from Digital Camcorders need to be converted which can be time consuming Next
Digital SLR Are for intermediate users Record onto an SD Card Are great for high depth of field Have many types of adjustment but often take longer to fine tune These cameras lack many auto feature so filming with these is a little more difficult Shooting TutorialMenu
Basic camera adjustments Exposure- Is one of the most important elements that makes your picture look great. You want your subject to be what you adjust your exposure to. Focus- Making sure you are focused on your subject goes hand and hand with exposure. Use auto focus only if necessary White balance- If your camera has this function make sure you use it. Most auto white-balance features on cameras today aren’t true white. When setting the white balance zoom your camera in on something white and click the white balance set button. Next
Tips and Tricks To make sure you have a nice hard focus, zoom in on your subject and focus. This way you can be sure your are properly focused Next
Tips and Tricks If you do not have a shoulder mounted camera, No Worries! You can push your arms into your body firmly. Using your body as a tripod will make your shots just as steady as the pros! Next
Tips and Tricks Indoor lighting can be tricky so you can use any lamps laying around as extra light. Make sure all lighting is behind the camera to avoid harsh shadows Next
Two thirds rule You want your subjects eyes to be on the upper two thirds line as a general rule. You can detour from this rule sometimes to give your film a unique look but is a good rule of thumb to follow. Next
Always get B roll B- Roll is referring to footage you see that is not coming from the main video layer. Try to shoot more then you think you need You can fill in moments of your film with “B- Roll” to show what someone is discussing or can be used so you can edit your A video track with out anyone noticing. Next
Distance of shots There are 3 basic shots you can get. Wide can show you a perspective of where your subject is Medium can be used for almost any shot Close-ups are good to show what your subject is experiencing Editing TutorialMenu
Start a new project We will be using the HDV 720p 30 Frames per second preset that premiere has. It is a great setup for making your web videos Next
Basic project setup This is how your project should be set up Next
Preview windows The primary preview window is shown on the right, This shows you what your seeing in the timeline and what your video will export as The window on the left allows you to watch individual clips from your project bin Next
Bin and effects The project bin on the left row is where all your clips are stored The middle tab is where your video effects are You can also go through the buttons on the top to access anything in the program manually Next
The Timeline This is where you do all your editing, you can simply drag and drop your clips from your bin into the timeline You also have your audio monitor and tools on the right side Next
Editing Use your select tool and scrubber to slide and move clips around in the place you want them. Your video and audio layers work like you see them, if a clips is on top of another it become what shows in the preview window Exporting For the web Menu
Exporting Videos for the internet need to be smaller in size then for a DVD. When exporting our video for the web we will use Adobe Media Encoder. Next
Settings We will use the settings show on the screen shot to export our video. H.264 NTSC 960x FPS Field order Lower Profile: main Next
Uploading Once your video is done exporting. Go to youtube and click “upload video”. Choose the destination at which you saved your video and click ok. Your video is now uploading! Created By : Ben Freedman Menu