Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Everybody! Jared Peet.


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Presentation transcript:

Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Everybody! Jared Peet

Shots! The basic building block or unit of film narrative Refers to a single, constant take made by a motion picture camera uninterrupted by editing, interruptions or cuts, in which a length of film is exposed by turning the camera on, recording, and then turning the camera off Helps the director to tell a story

Objectives Define different camera shots commonly used in films Explain the effect different shots have on the viewer Identify different camera shots by examining a major motion picture

Long Shots/Wide Shots Shows entire human or object Places human/object within its surroundings Gives actors room to move without camera moving Called wide shot because of wide-angle lens Cleopatra, 1963

Long/Wide Shot

Establishing Shot Using a Long Shot to establish setting

Medium Shots Most common film shot Shows actor from belly button to top of head More space than a close up Used when actor has something in hands or is elaborating with movement Can see facial expressions and body language

Over the Shoulder Shot Back of shoulder and head used to frame image Commonly used for dialogue Commonly follows an establishing shot

Over the Shoulder Shot - Dialogue

Two Shot Form of a medium shot Characters sitting/talking next to each other Cheaper to film than Over the Shoulder Shot

Close Up Usually from persons shoulders/neck to the top of their head Creates sense of intimacy – viewer feels involved in the scene Can heighten intensity Most protagonists introduced with close ups to set them apart from other characters

Tight Close Up Gets as close to the whole face as possible Extreme Close Up Zooms in on part of face – mouth, eyes

Close Up - Psycho

High Angle Shot from above Uses a crane, hill, building Makes subject look smaller than life Sense of powerlessness

High Angle - Godzilla

Low Angle Below subject’s height Often close to the ground Subject looks bigger, more powerful Larger than life

Low Angle – Citizen Kane

Dutch Angle Camera tilted to one side Usually a static shot, but camera can pan Portrays uneasiness or tension in subject

Dutch Angle – Slumdog Millionaire

Which Shots Can You Identify? – Pulp Fiction

Scavenger Hunt Form Groups of 3 You will be assigned a film Scroll through the film to find as many different kinds of shots that we discussed today Mark the timing from the film on the sheet Team with most shots found wins prize