SEM Data Team August 2012
AffordabilityIntroductionDemographicsRetention Setting the Stage for SEM Planning
Students and the state are not well served by an empty promise of college access without completion. Degree Completion Remediation Success Student Persistence A more productive higher education system will increase student success and safeguard college affordability. On-Time Completion Cost Per Degree Student Debt Increasing college completion and productivity need not come at the expense of academic quality Learning Outcomes Transfer Return on Investment Source: ICHE
AffordabilityIntroductionDemographicsRetention Setting the Stage for SEM Planning
Projected Shared of Total Population by Age Group, 2010 to 2050 (per IBRC) Projected Population Change by Age Group, 2010 to 2050 (per IBRC)
Source: Western Intestate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) By , Hispanics are expected to represent 8% of HS Graduates (up from 3% in ). African-Americans – 9% (up from 8% in )
Source: Indiana Department of Education
Increase in graduates passing AP exams: ◦ 7.5 percent in 2006 vs 14.0 percent in 2011 Increase in Dual Credit Course-Taking ◦ 10,000 in 2006 to over 43,000 students in 2011 Remediation Rates – 2011 HS Graduates ◦ General Diploma Graduates – 66% ◦ Core40 Graduates - 38% ◦ Core40 with Honors Graduates – 7% One in four Indiana college students enrolled in remediation will earn a degree within 6 years Source: Complete College America, 2011
Source: College Board
Source: National Student Clearinghouse
ISU largest 1yr change (9.4%) USI largest 5yr change (13.2%) Source: ICHE Ivy Tech 67% 5yr change VU 42% 5yr change ICI – 14% 5yr change (Fall)
Source: IPEDS (2010).
25% enrolled in at least one distance course For the calendar year, 30% (15% distance only)
AffordabilityIntroductionDemographicsRetention Setting the Stage for SEM Planning
Source: State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO) State Higher Education Finance FY 2011
Source: ICHE
ISU Contribution to Performance Funding Pool ISU Funds Recommended by ICHE ISU Funds Approved in Final Budget Successful Completion of Credit Hours$733,248$8,024$0 Dual Credit Successful Completion of Credit Hours$89,420$4,875$5,025 Early College Successful Completion of Credit Hours$28,615$0 Low Income Degree Attainment$143,073$751,456$228,375 On-Time Degree Change$71,536$1,681,129$221,404 Change in Degrees Attained$1,788,409$0 Research Incentive$722,517$0 Total$3,576,818$2,445,484$454,804 Source: ISU VP Business Affairs
FY12 CHE Recommendation for allocation of performance funding dollars: 55% through increases in overall degree completion and on-time degrees 30% rewards progress in persistence and low income degrees 15% improvement in institution-defined metric
Fall 2001Fall 2011 Course Level Distinct Courses Course Enrollments Total Fees Distinct Courses Course Enrollments Total Fees Undergraduate $76, $558,099 Graduate3582$3, $161,958 Total $79, $720,057 Average per course enrollment $30 $117
70% of families are eliminating college choices based on cost More students are now choosing to enroll in community colleges Source: How America Pays for College, Ipsos/Sallie Mae
$ 2,716 $ 3,993 $ 3,083 $ 6,143 $ 4,646 $ 4,115 $ 2,500 $ 6,619 $ 4,559 $ 4,481 $ 2,835 $ 6,171 Financial Aid to ISU Full-time First-time Freshman % of cohort receiving aid by type Source: ISU IPEDS Financial Aid Survey
AffordabilityIntroduction Demographics Retention Setting the Stage for SEM Planning
Year 4 Year 4+? Also: About 1 of every 2 transfer students to ISU graduate from here.
Headcount YearTotalUnconditionalConditional Percent Conditional 21% 14% 19% 17% 21% 22% 21% 26% 20% 19% 12% 13%
High School Rank 9% - Top 10% 29% - Top 25% 68% - Top 50% High School GPA 22% or higher 53% or higher 89% or higher High School Other 20% - Acad Honors Diplomas 20% - 21 st Century Scholars
What else? 56% Women 81% Live on Campus More than half are Pell Recipients Over half are 1 st Generation Where are they from? 80% Indiana 16% Out of State 4% International Where in Indiana? 27% Marion & surrounding 16% Vigo & surrounding 11% Northwest Indiana
Name Middle 50% ACT Middle 50th SAT total Class rank percentileACT Category Average one- year retention rate Purdue University WL % from top quarter Selective - highly selective87% Indiana University B % from top quarter Selective - highly selective90% Ball State University % from top halfTraditional79% IUPUI % from top halfTraditional70% Indiana State % from top half Liberal - Traditional66% University of Southern Indiana % from top halfTraditional67% Source: US News National Average = 78.4% Indiana = 74.3% IPEDS 2010 – all 4-yr publics
MainStateLocale Size (Undergrad FTE) Student Related Expenditures / Total FTE % Freshmen Pell Recipients % Under- represented Minority Estimated Median SAT/ACT Illinois State UniversityIL City Small17,328$10, %9.30%1,105 Ball State UniversityIN City Small16,030$11, %9.50%1,045 Central Michigan UniversityMI Town Remote18,960$8, %7.60%1,030 East Carolina UniversityNC City Small19,159$11, %17.40%1,010 Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main CampusPA Town Distant11,330$10, %13.60%965 University of Northern ColoradoCO City Small9,282$8, %13.30%1,045 Louisiana Tech UniversityLA Town Distant7,246$7, %16.40%1,065 The University of West FloridaFL City Small7,019$8, %15.90%1,065 East Tennessee State UniversityTN City Small9,805$13, %6.60%1,030 Indiana State UniversityIN City Small7,591$10, %15.40%930
Main Year Grad Rate1st Year Retention Rate Illinois State University69.00%83.00% Ball State University58.30%78.00% Central Michigan University57.20%77.00% East Carolina University56.80%76.00% Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus54.20%74.00% University of Northern Colorado49.30%70.00% Louisiana Tech University46.40%72.00% The University of West Florida45.30%71.00% East Tennessee State University42.50%67.00% Indiana State University40.40%66.00% Source: AACRAO SEM Consulting ISU’s 5yr Goal – 70%
Headcount YearTotalUnconditionalConditional yr Retention Rate TotalUnconditionalConditional 69.1%71.8%59.8% 66.2%69.4%54.5% 63.9%67.6%53.6% 63.9%68.6%45.3% 58.1%61.9%42.2% Percent Conditional 22% 21% 26% 20% 19% 12% 13% 60.6% 63.1% 41.6%
ISU 1-Yr Retention Rates (FTFT BDS) African Americans and Whites
Living On CampusOff Campus Pct Living Hdcnt1yrRetHdcnt1yrRet OnCampus % % 72.4% % % 76.3% % % 77.4% % % 78.7% % % 81.0% FYE Res HallOth Res Hall Hdcnt1yrRetHdcnt1yrRet % % % % % % % % % %
Student Engagement Surveys NSSE/FSSE