Performing Basic Vehicle Maneuvers
Steering Straight Forward-The steering adjustments you need to make to drive in straight lines are small but critical. Pg-110 Oversteer-Turning the steering wheel to much. The vehicle will weave from side to side. Pg-110 Understeer-Not turning the steering wheel enough to keep the vehicle in the planned path. Pg-110
Steering Straight Backward Put your left hand at the top of the steering wheel at the 12 o’clock position. Pg Backing a Stickshift Vehicle You can back slowly in a stickshift vehicle by carefully controlling your use of the clutch pedal at the friction point. Pg-111 Holding the clutch pedal at the friction point allows you to back the vehicle at a slow, controlled speed. Pg-111
Signaling Know the hand signals and terminology for a right and left turn, and for slowing or stopping a vehicle. Pg-111 Lane Changes Know the procedure for changing lanes. When you make a lane change to the left or right, where is the last place you look. Pg-112
Hand-Over-Hand Steering-Pull the steering wheel down with one hand while your other hand crosses over to pull the wheel farther down. Pg-113 Push-Pull Steering-Push the steering wheel up with one hand and pull it down with the other. Pg-113 Making Left and Right Turns-You should be in the correct lane about a block before you turn. Pg-114
Procedures for Turning-Picture on Pg-114. For a right turn, check to the left again before turning. Pg-114 You should accelerate about halfway through your turn. Pg-115 Backing Left and Right When backing right, you will look over your right shoulder and through the right side windows. Pg-115
When backing to left you will look to the left. Pg-115 Pull the wheel the direction you want the car to go. Pg-115 Look back toward the direction you want to go. Pg-115 When backing left, allow a wide space on the right side. Pg-115 (Picture) When backing right, allow a wide space on the left side. Pg-115 (Picture)
Turning the Vehicle Around Turnabout is a maneuver for turning your vehicle around to go in the opposite direction. Pg-116 Precautions-select a site with at least 500 feet of visibility in each direction. Pg-116 Different Turnabouts-Midblock U-turn, pull into driveway on left side, pull into driveway on right side, and three-point turnabout.
Deciding Which Turnabout to Use-You might want to know all six of these. Pg-118 The safest turnabout to use is to back into a driveway on the right because you enter traffic facing forward. Pg-118 If there are driveways on both sides, choose the drive on the left. This allows you to back into your own lane rather than across both lanes. Pg-118
Reference Point-Is some part of the outside or inside of the vehicle, as viewed from the driver’s seat, that relates to some part of the roadway. Pg-119 Standard Reference Point-The point on the vehicle that is typical for most drivers. This could be a sideview mirror, a hood ornament, or the center of the hood. Pg-119 Personal Reference Point-Reference point that you develop on your own. Pg-119
Angle Parking-Used to park your vehicle diagonally to the curb. Pg-120 Perpendicular Parking-Used to park your vehicle at a right angle to the curb. Pg-120 Parallel Parking-You need to make sure you understand the steps involved in parallel parking. Especially #3 and #4. Pg-121 Parking on Hills-Discuss the process and which way to turn the wheels. Pg Starting on a hill using a stickshift-One method involves the use of the parking brake. Make sure the parking brake is set and shift to first. Pg-124