ATTRIBUTION DETAILS NAME: Kleophades Painter hydria WHEN MADE : BC SIZE : 45 cm POTTER : Kleophades PAINTER : The Kleophades painter HOW DO WE IDENTFIY THE PAINTER? Because the vase is unsigned and it was very similar to another vase that was signed by Kleophades therefore the vase is attributed to the same painter. IN WHAT WAY WAS THE PAINTER RELATED TO EUTHYMIDES ? He was his student.
12.2 THE SHAPE 1. VASE SHAPE : Hydria 2. WHAT WAS IT USED FOR? Carrying water 3. HOW MANY HANDLES ? 3 4. WHY DOES IT HAVE THIS MANY HANDLES? WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR? Two of handles are used for carrying the vase and the third is used for pouring. 5. WHY IS THE VASE SHAPE PERFECT FOR ITS USE? The vases narrow neck works to prevent spillage. The side handles work to make carrying the vase easier.
12.3 THE SCENES 1. WHAT IS THE GENERAL THEME FOR THE SCENES THAT RUN AROUND THIS VASE? The sack of Troy by the victorious Greeks. 2. WHAT PARTICULAR SCENE IS SHOWN HERE? NAME THE THREE PEOPLE INVOLVED AND EXPLAIN THEIR RELATIONSHIPS. Aeneas, Anchlses and Ascanius. Their relationship is that their a family. And there fleeing before they die.
12.3 THE SCENES 1. Referring to the picture on the previous page, what mood is the painter trying to get across? That there is danger, the need to escape. 2. How does he manage to achieve this mood? You can see the three figure walking away from the soldier and the body on the ground. Also it looks as though they are sneaking off.
1. What particular scene is shown here? This scene shows Cassandra being raped by Ajax. Cassandra is the Daughter of King Prima and priestess of Apollo. She is naked while being pulled by her attacker. 2. What mood is the painter trying to create ? Sacrilege and cruelty. 3. How does he manage to achieve this mood? The painter manages to show the mood by the actions being done to the female figure (Cassandra) and showing cruelty against women by using physical abuse. 4. What is happening in this scene? A Trojan women being sold into slavery. The crouching women, covering her ears in terror. She is also cowering behind the statue of Athena. 5. Mood being created ? Enslavement and the negative aspects of war. 6. How does he show it? By showing the Trojan crouching and cowering away. It shows how helpless women were during war.
12.5 PAINTING TECHNIQUE 1. Black slip raised relief line: Relief line was painted first to show level and volume 2. Background: after the relief line was painted the background was painted in with black slip. Background was dark to emphasize the image. 3. Dilute honey coloured glaze : Example1: to show the inside of things like the shield being held in the first picture. It shows the depth of the inside of the shield. Also gives it a 3D look. 4. Example2: The colour of the hair in picture 3. We are able to see the detail of the persons hair because of the change in colour. 5. Added colour : Redish/purple glaze was used for blood. IN pictures 1 and 2 it shows clearly where the figures have been wounded.
12.6 STYLE 1. different poses: picture 2, we see a soldier crouching low behind his shield while a women towers above him. Also the bottom picture shows us the female figure sold in to slavery crouching low. 2. Foreshortening: The soldier in picture 2, his leg shows foreshortening. The leg disappears behind his thigh. 3. Drapery: Drapery here shows fine lines (folds) in the chitons. It flows and shows movement. Many layers in female drapery. 4.Attention to detail: Lines show a figures age through hair. Also in drapery- the many layers of cloth. 5.Eyes: The eyes are side on. The eyes are frontal view and the rest of the face is seen profile.
12.3 SCENE THE SACK OF TROY AND THE DEATH OF PRIAM 11. What is the mood in this scene ? cruelty 12. How does he manage to achieve this mood? Showing the death of Priam’s grand son Astyanax.
An armed Greek warrior crouches behind his shield as he is attacked by a furious Trojan woman with a large pestle or a chair leg, the use of a domestic object suggesting she is desperate, but courageous. Courage is the mood in this scene how does he manage to achieve it? 13. What is happening in this scene ?
THE RESCUE OF AITHERA 16. What is happening in this scene? Aithera is the grand mother of Theseus and she was taken to Troy as Helen’s Maid. The son’s of Theseus called Akamas and Demophon, Rescue’s her. 17. Mood: liberation (freeing of Aithera)
12.4 COMPOSITION 1.What difficulties did the painter have with The shape of the vase and how did he over Come these difficulties ? Make reference to both pictures on this page. The painting is strongly influenced by the sharp inwards slope of the pot at the shoulder. The painter has created a series of pyramidal groupings of characters to counteract this: You can locate each of the pyramids. Very difficult, reflects his interest in triangles, eg in the main scene opposite the large handle the triangle is formed by the fallen Greek behind Neoptolemos and the lean of Neoptolemos to the weeping palm with the woman under it. Each group is self-contained but linked to the other groups.
The frieze occupies the severely sloping shoulder of the vase. There is greater space at the shoulder than the neck, so the frieze is composed of a series of triangles These represent either continuous or near continuous action Large space occupied by bodies, altars, drapery and Children 2. What borders are used on this vase? Scene framed above and below by decorative motifs – tongues
3. How successfully has the artist show depth? He is successful at it. For example: The shields- you can now see The outside and also The inside of the shield giving It a 3D type of look. Foreshortening- the warrior is Kneeling down. And his body is in a flexible position.