Verbivore’s Diner Today’s Specials: Roots – “Eu” Affixes – “Preter” Mythology & History – Atlas Adopted Words - clairvoyant
Root du jour O Eu O “Good,” “Well,” “Advantageous” O Opposite of “dys”
Affixes Prix Fixe O Prefix: “Preter-” O “Beyond” O Preternatural O Preterhuman
Mythology & History Main O Atlas was a titan who shouldered the world, or the heavens, on his shoulder as punishment for being on the losing side in a civil war in heaven. O An atlas now is a book of maps of the world. Many early versions of these books featured a picture of Atlas on or in them.
Adopted Word Dessert O Clairvoyant O “clear sighted” “unusually perceptive” “able to see things others can’t, such as the future”