MARCH 1 Project Management AIM l to provide a broad and practical understanding of the practice of Project Management l to improve Project Management practices l to provide a basic generic Project Management training package l to give individuals the confidence and tools to carry out a successful Project Management programme
MARCH 2 Project Management What it doesn’t provide l it will not guarantee success l sector specific training l an enormous manual
MARCH 3 Project Management 1. introduction 2. general project structure 3. the project notebook 4. terms of reference document 5. planning overview 6. detailed planning 7. control 8. quality 9. risk 10. review 11. human factors 12. project organisation 13. construction projects 14. problem solving 15. documentation CONTENT
MARCH 4 Project Management Introduction è what is a project? è what is project management? è what does a project management system consist of?
MARCH 5 Project Management What is a project? l projects have existed for thousands of years Definition A project is a single activity that has a start and end point, with defined objectives and scope. A budget is usually included. A project can be thought of as a problem requiring a solution.
MARCH 6 Project Management What is a project? l causes change l clearly identifiable start and finish l specific aim (i.e. an key objective) l results in something being delivered l unique l responsibility of a single person or body l involves costs, resources and time l uses a wide variety of resources and time
MARCH 7 Project Management What is project management? l it is not just scheduling l planning, scheduling and control of project activities to obtain a product having the correct performance (quality), within agreed cost and time objectives for a given scope of work, while using resources efficiently and effectively.
MARCH 8 Project Management What does a project management system consist of? l human … motivation, leadership, negotiation, team building, communication, decision making l methods … computer aided scheduling l culture …values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviours, traditions l organisation … authority, responsibility, accountability l planning … define project, pick strategy, schedule work l information … historical, current, cost, progress, quality l control … check progress, compare to plan, take corrective action, audit performance
MARCH 9 Project Management General project structure è project visualisation è why breakdown a project? è what are typical phases of a project?
MARCH 10 Project Management Project visualisation l start and end l large or small l trying to achieve something l cost limits l time limits l performance limits l working with people