16 December 2004 BioCharge BioCharge Credit Card Fingerprint Verification System Prototype
16 December 2004 BioCharge Hardware –Product Prototype verses Lab Prototype Authentec, Inc. EntrePad Sensor Athena ASEDrive IIIe TxSystems SCR335 Microtel Authentec, Inc. EntrePad Sensor
16 December 2004 BioCharge Encoding Process Template 3 Software Process – Initialization Athena ASEDrive IIIe Authentec, Inc. EntrePad Sensor
16 December 2004 BioCharge The Prototype Initialization
16 December 2004 BioCharge The Prototype Initialization
16 December 2004 BioCharge Encoding Process Template Matching Process 6 Rejection * Acceptance * - It will allow a number of tries if customer receives a rejection code. Software Process – Point of Sale Authentec, Inc. EntrePad Sensor Athena ASEDrive IIIe
16 December 2004 BioCharge The Prototype Point of Sale
16 December 2004 BioCharge The Prototype Point of Sale
16 December 2004 BioCharge Questions?
16 December 2004 BioCharge AuthenTec TruePrint RF Technology The live layer of the skin and the surface of the scanner form parallel conductive plates and an electric field. Slide 5
16 December 2004 BioCharge Back AuthenTec TruePrint RF Technology Electric field waves parallel to the skin and scanner take on the shape of the corrugated surface of the skin. Slide 3
16 December 2004 BioCharge Minutiae Points Back Ingenico - "Fingerprint Recognition System" Antheus Technology, Inc
16 December 2004 BioCharge Eastshore Algorithm Extraction Process The images are transformed from grayscale to a “clear unambiguous skeletal image.” Allows for rotation of fingerprints even to 180°. Ignores finger deformations due to applying different pressure on scanner. East Shore Technologies, Inc. Back
16 December 2004 BioCharge Matching Process Back Threshold Score Comparing Minutiae Ingenico - "Fingerprint Recognition System"