VILNIUS RADVILOS GYMNASIUM Vilius Barbaravičius Mindaugas Drigotas Edvardas Borisas Algirdas Purkėnas Teacher: Genutė Kuzmickienė 2008
Objectives: Objectives: Call attention of citizens of Vilnius to harm caused by means of transport. Call attention of citizens of Vilnius to harm caused by means of transport. Propose how to reduce air pollution and harmful influence on environment and people. Propose how to reduce air pollution and harmful influence on environment and people.
Now there are cars per one thousand of inhabitants in Vilnius. Vilnius has a higher index than other European cities - average is about 480 automobiles per one thousand of inhabitants. Therefore, drivers fight for a parking place. Since there are not enough place, cars are being parked on pavements, open-air kindergartens and in other impermissible places. Vilnius City Municipality is silent.
Unenviable situation for drivers in small yards of many-flat houses in Vilnius, where streets are narrow and sometimes with pits. Unenviable situation for drivers in small yards of many-flat houses in Vilnius, where streets are narrow and sometimes with pits.
Great number of transport causes big traffic jams. The biggest traffic jams are in the district of Šeškinė, Žirmūnai, Pilaitė and Justiniškės. Great number of transport causes big traffic jams. The biggest traffic jams are in the district of Šeškinė, Žirmūnai, Pilaitė and Justiniškės.
That is how streets look in the district of That is how streets look in the district of Žemieji Paneriai and Šeškinė every Saturday morning.
On working days traffic jams are much bigger. For example, to get from district of Naujininkai to district of Šeškinė you have to drive for minutes. It is a daily routine for many people. On working days traffic jams are much bigger. For example, to get from district of Naujininkai to district of Šeškinė you have to drive for minutes. It is a daily routine for many people.
A big quantity of cars has impact to health as well. A big quantity of cars has impact to health as well. Every year in Vilnius, the most polluted city, 107,9 tones of pollutants of which 77 percent is carbon monoxide get to the atmosphere. Every year in Vilnius, the most polluted city, 107,9 tones of pollutants of which 77 percent is carbon monoxide get to the atmosphere. The main polluter – transport, 88 percent of all pollutants are from the transport. The main polluter – transport, 88 percent of all pollutants are from the transport. Because of polluted air people fall sick of various lungs diseases. Because of polluted air people fall sick of various lungs diseases.
Medical men proved, that solid fractions in the air cause diseases, sometimes even incurables – bronchial asthma, bronchitis, other breathing diseases. Medical men proved, that solid fractions in the air cause diseases, sometimes even incurables – bronchial asthma, bronchitis, other breathing diseases. Solid fractions do not have any influence when concentration is under 5 to 20 micrograms in one cubic meter. (mkg/m3). When concentration is mkg/m3, risk to fall ill is minimal. When concentration is mkg/m3, risk to fall ill is minimal.
But if concentration is 30 and above, risk increases a lot. But if concentration is 30 and above, risk increases a lot. In those parts of the city, where concentration of solid fractions was micrograms in 2004, 209 out of 1000 children were taken ill with bronchitis and 133 out of 1000 fallen ill in other illnesses. In those parts of the city, where concentration of solid fractions was micrograms in 2004, 209 out of 1000 children were taken ill with bronchitis and 133 out of 1000 fallen ill in other illnesses. In the territories where concentration was above 40 micrograms in a cubic meter, fallen in bronchitis 190 children out of In the territories where concentration was above 40 micrograms in a cubic meter, fallen in bronchitis 190 children out of 1000.
Nevertheless, it is possible to fight against air pollution and we have suggestions that could be realized. Nevertheless, it is possible to fight against air pollution and we have suggestions that could be realized.
One of suggestions that should reduce traffic jams is metro. It would be convenient to go to work or any other place by metro since there are no obstacles to get from point A to point B, all traffic jams would be avoided. One of suggestions that should reduce traffic jams is metro. It would be convenient to go to work or any other place by metro since there are no obstacles to get from point A to point B, all traffic jams would be avoided. Average speed of metro in Vilnius could be ~40km/h, maximum – 80km/h. Metro would be built in the biggest districts of the city. Average speed of metro in Vilnius could be ~40km/h, maximum – 80km/h. Metro would be built in the biggest districts of the city.
The second solution – extra roads built above earth. The second solution – extra roads built above earth. It would be something similar to bridges, thrown not across the river but streets where biggest traffic jams are formed. These sorts of roads could reduce quantity of cars nearly twice.
It is no reason to be afraid of such transport mean as a bike. It is no reason to be afraid of such transport mean as a bike. Even when cycling to work might look a bit strange, it is fast and healthy way to get to the place you need.
It is possible to rent a bike in park of Sereikiškės. It is possible to rent a bike in park of Sereikiškės. It is a good chance to leave cars in garages and try a new mean of transport which often can make a journey from point A to point B faster and more pleasant than a car.
Some more exotic rent of means of transport exists too. Some more exotic rent of means of transport exists too. Or instead using a car for short everydays trips, you could walk.
Hence, do not be indifferent to alternatives and try to make Vilnius and inhabitants of Vilnius more beautiful and healthy. Hence, do not be indifferent to alternatives and try to make Vilnius and inhabitants of Vilnius more beautiful and healthy.