Current condition and trends in air quality in the South Moravian Region focusing on the city of Brno and its vicinity Ing. Tomáš Helán South Moravian Region Brno, 24th May 2012
SOUTH MORAVIAN REGION– BASIC CHARACTERISTICS 01 | SOUTH MORAVIAN REGION The South Moravian Region is the fourth largest region in the CR, in terms of population, it is the third biggest. Size - 719,555 ha Population - 1,194,425 -distribution of population – more than 1/2 of the inhabitants live in Brno and its vicinity, - transport accessibility at the intersection of trans-European roads and long-distance railways, - extensive road network km of motorways, 25.8 km of expressways, km of primary roads, km of secondary roads, km of tertiary roads, % of the Czech GDP Given the industrial tradition of Brno and its vicinity, its processing industry keeps its dominant position in the regional economy (50% of the GDP is created by Brno), -high standard of agriculture – agricultural land covers 60% of the region, of which 83% is arable land. Major livestock breeding – pigs and poultryy
TOTAL AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS 02 | TOTAL AIR EMISSIONS -radical drop in the 1990's in basically all air emissions (modernisation of industry, structural economic changes, more stringent law) - stagnation and slight emission increase after A problem faced in recent past has been a significant increase in road traffic air emissions, emissions related to small domestic sources (heating) and, in particular, the accumulation of all these influences in the southern suburbs of Brno. Potential for further radical reduction in industry is practically exhausted. Basic air pollutant trends over
03 | TOTAL EMISSIONS - COMPARISON OF THE SMR COMPARISON OF THE SOUTH MORAVIAN REGION WITH OTHER REGIONS IN THE CR As regards all pollutants, the South Moravian Region ranges between % of all emissions in the CR, its relatively highest contribution is in ammonia emissions (NH 3 ) and volatile organic compounds (VOC). The total dust emissions indicate that most of it comes from transport- similar situation is recorded in the Central Bohemian Region (transit transport, large agglomerations).
The major source of nitrogen oxide pollution in the South Moravia Region is road traffic (REZZO 4). Another major source is the especially large and large sources (REZZO 1 – heating plants, cement works, glass works, power station) producing more than three times higher quantity of nitrogen oxides than small and middle-size sources together (REZZO 2 + REZZO 3 - households) 04 |NITROGEN OXIDES NITROGEN OXIDE EMISSIONS - NO X Nitrogen oxides (NO x ) have an emission threshold defined for 2010 at 18 kt/year. The current volume of emitted nitrogen oxides is 17.5 kt/year, which is 97.4 % of the emission threshold and in terms of nitrogen oxides, the South Moravian Region meets the commitment for 2010.
05 |NITROGEN OXIDES NITROGEN OXIDES X – SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF EMISSIONS In most of the SMR, the dominant source of NO x is road traffic (REZZO 4). The greatest emissions are detected in areas with motorways and major roads. In the suburban areas of Brno traffic emissions are combined with industrial operations (cement works, lime plant) In typical rural areas, the total NO x emissions are substantially lower.
06 | TRAFFIC INTENSITY TRAFFIC INTENSITY IN THE SMR IN 2010 The traffic emissions have been determined on the basis of traffic intensity in The outcomes of the emission analysis show that the major source of NOx in the Brno and the SMR agglomerations is traffic. The reduction potential to reduce the road traffic solid pollutants emissions is not too high given the large volume of transit transport.
08 | SOLID POLLUTANTS SOLID POLLUTANTS EMISSIONS Solid pollutants emissions (SPE) have no emissions threshold determined for 2010, but they are still important pollutants given the PM 10 emissions in the atmosphere and the general air quality in the region. In total, 5,074 t of solid pollutants was discharged into the atmosphere in The share of the individual sources of air pollution in the total solid pollutants emissions, fractions PM 10 and PM 2,5 The major source of solid pollutants (total solid pollutants, PM 10, PM 2,5 ) in the South Moravian Region is road traffic (REZZO 4). However, local heating plants heating households (REZZO 3) are also important sources of pollution.
09 | SOLID POLLUTANTS SOLID POLLUTANTS In most of the SMR, the dominant source of solid pollutants is road traffic (REZZO 4). Absolute quantities are higher in localities with important thoroughfares (motorways, primary roads) In typical rural areas, major sources of solid pollutants are small sources REZZO 3, i.e. household heating.
10 | AIR QUALITY IN THE SMR AIR QUALITY IN THE SOUTH MORAVIAN REGION The picture shows the map of localities in the Czech Republic with deteriorated air quality. In 2010, the air pollution limits were exceeded in the South Moravian Region in a relatively large size of the area, whereas over the previous three years, the air pollution limits were exceeded in the South Moravian Region on a much smaller scale. Year why ? - repeated occurrence of unfavourable meteorological and dispersion conditions at the beginning of the year (January and February) and at the end of the year (October and December) - the coldest heating season over the past 10 years, -the worst smog situation over the past 10 years – beginning of transfer of emissions from Silesia (Ostrava + Poland).
TARGET ? - draw up a comprehensive document on air pollution in the city of Brno and the South Moravian Region - air pollution pollutant dispersion model under standard meteorological conditions based on the results of the AIM measurements and emission data from the SMR including the analysis of the causes of the above-limit air pollution during inversions. 11 | DISPERSION STUDY OF THE SMR GENERAL DISPERSION STUDY OF THE SMR For the calculation of air pollution characteristics an area of interest was established with a network of 58,630 nodal points set in a distance of 130 x 130 m in the city of Brno and in the rest of the region in a distance of 500 x 500 m. Another network of reference points is a calculation network along roads. This network has been created to run in parallel with the road in a distance of 10 and 50 m.
12 | DISPERSION STUDY GENERAL DISPERSION STUDY OF THE SMR The greatest potential of air pollution limit exceeding is in the area of the city of Brno and its southern suburbs. Comprehensive measures will have to be taken in other areas in order to maintain the air pollution load below the applicable limit values. Given the dominant influence of traffic on the air quality in the SMR the crucial traffic measures are – technical (completion of trunk road network, ring roads…) and organisational (improvement of public transport quality - Integrated Transport System of the SMR..).
13| ANALYSIS OF AIR QUALITY IN THE SMR ANALYSIS OF AIR QUALITY IN THE SOUTH MORAVIAN REGION StrengthsOpportunities Low air pollution load is most of the area Observance of all emission thresholds Observance of air pollution limits in most of the area Knowledge of the issues in the selected areas and identification of selected sources. Quality public transport system – Integrated transport system of the SMR Cooperation with neighbouring regions and on international projects Possibility of cooperating on EU funded projects Cooperation with organisations dealing with the measurement and evaluation of air quality (presentations, lectures, trainings concerning mainly the small sources and impacts on the quality of air). WeaknessesThreats Problems with air quality are mainly related to traffic (densely populated settlements, major line sources) and small sources (households, local heating – in particular in small municipalities without gas mains) Exceeding 24-hour air pollution limit for PM10 and the target air pollution limit for B(a)P Transfer of pollutants over long distances from Poland and the Moravian-Silesian Region Impossibility to influence factors affecting air quality (weather, wind erosion) Strong protests against the construction of high capacity roads– NIMBY syndrome (Not In My Back Yard ) Inadequate legislation to reduce small source emissions Exceeding air pollution limits for PM10 and B(a)P Return to solid fuels for local heating where gas mains have been installed Lack of funds to take measures to improve air quality
Ing. Tomáš Helán Regional Authority of the South Moravian Region Department of the Environmentt tel.: mail: Thank you for your attention