Hertfordshire’s Complex Needs Service Carol McNeil and Rebecca Plater
Hertfordshire - Complex Needs Service A community social care service Commissioned by Hertfordshire Joint Commissioning Team In partnership with Herts Mind Network Open referral system and Fast access support for individuals recovering from mental health difficulties and other associated complex needs Flexible and easily accessible support through 1:1 assertive outreach, peer support and drop-in facilities Support carers and families Team of Generic Specialists with a Navigator role - emphasis on engagement and building relationships with ‘hard to reach’ individuals
Solution focused holistic interventions Open and transparent risk assessment process – working alongside individuals to understand risks and develop solutions rather than allowing risk issues to be a barrier to support Builds bridges between individuals and services Work with statutory/ voluntary organisations to facilitate coordinated and integrated holistic support Individuals access the right support at the right time from the right people Hertfordshire - Complex Needs Service
Offers person centred holistic support, providing real life solutions to real life problems: Emotional and practical support Help to reduce episodes of crisis Resolution of housing, benefit and debt issues Support to access existing community based services Support to reduce substance misuse Support to access physical health care Education/ support to improve coping strategies Advice and information on leisure, education and employment opportunities Help to build confidence, self-esteem & life skills Support to create & build new social networks Informal family support
Outcomes for individual Improved recovery Improved care pathways Improved access to housing/ tenancy maintenance Reduction in episodes of crisis Reduction in risk Reduction in drug and alcohol use Reduced need for hospital admission, A&E attendance and other expensive crisis services Improved access to physical health care Improved social networks Improved family relationships, where carers/ family are involved
Our work is important to each of our service users, but is also of great benefit to the wider community and to commissioners of public services. A report on the economic value of the Complex Needs Service in Herts by the London School of Economics (PSSRU) indicated that the service has the ability to reduce the demand for other services as well as improving outcomes in terms of quality of life (2010) The rate of return for every £1 invested in CNS is a net reduction in demand for other services worth between 4.4 and 28.5 times that amount. Cost benefit analysis
What works? Solutions do not need to be complicated Support individuals to access existing service provision Navigator role facilitating integrated holistic support Partnership working and effective care pathways Consultation (Inclusive approach) with service users, carers and families at all stages of service development
What works? Creative and coordinated approach to commissioning services Complex needs/ dual diagnosis training for staff across sectors Monitoring and evaluation so that lessons are learned and can inform future service delivery Locally agreed definition of complex needs across agencies
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