Air Pollution Pollution Hill Science 6. Air Pollution  What is it?  Causes?  Indoor –Examples?  Outdoor –Examples?


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Presentation transcript:

Air Pollution Pollution Hill Science 6

Air Pollution  What is it?  Causes?  Indoor –Examples?  Outdoor –Examples?

Outdoor Air Pollution  There are two types of outdoor air pollution: –Particulate pollution (Black Carbon and other) –Noxious Gases

Pollution - Particulates  Coal, wood, and fossil fuels release gases and tiny particles into the air when burned.  Mining and some agricultural practices also emit particles.  The exhaust from burning fuels in automobiles, homes, and industries release particles.

Air Pollution  Noxious gases  sulfur dioxide  carbon monoxide  nitrogen oxides  other chemical vapors is pollution.  Form smog and acid rain.

Smog  Exhaust of fossil fuel-burning engines in cars, trucks, coal power plants, and industrial manufacturing factories.  VOCs - man-made sources – gasoline, paints, solvents, pesticides

Smog  Smog surrounds the Angel Monument in Mexico City, Mexico.  The absence of wind circulation prevents pollution near the earth’s surface from escaping.

Smog  In high enough concentrations, these particles can reduce visibility and cause many physical ailments in humans: –Coughing –Headaches –Sneezing –Eye irritation –Chest pain –Respiratory failure

Air Passages  Infants, elderly, and those with chronic lung ailments may experience: –Asthma –Emphysema

Air Pollution  Air Pollution is one of the easier types of pollution to control.  For example: –Smokestacks fitted with filters to catch particles –Autos designed to meet tougher emission standards

Air Pollution  Not all air pollution is caused by humans.  Examples: –Volcanic ash –Smoke from naturally occurring forest fires –Salt spray from oceans

How to Decrease Air Pollution Transportation Transportation  Drive a car that gets at least 35 miles a gallon,  Walk, bicycle, use mass transit Energy Energy  Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs,  Make your home more energy efficient  Buy only energy efficient appliances. Waste  Recycle newspapers, aluminum, and other materials.  Plant trees and avoid purchasing products such as Styrofoam that contain CFCs.  Support much stricter clean air laws and enforcement of international treaties to reduce ozone depletion and slow global warming.  Earth is everybody's home and nobody likes living in a dirty home. Together, we can make the earth a cleaner, healthier and more pleasant place to live. 