ARRA the end of an Era Now What? Challenges and Opportunities John Davies Opportunity Council Building Performance Center
Challenges Federal and State funding uncertain Maintaining the infra structure Equipment, Space and Trained staff Marketing (What are your services) Where and how to market services Overcoming the non profit mentality Existing staff Community Perception
Venturing into new territory Today’s weatherization agencies are going beyond providing traditional weatherization services They have expanded to provide a variety of training and technical assistance, fee for service contracting, BPI certifications, housing rehabilitation and emergency repair assistance and consulting services This provides stability in an ever changing budget climate.
Benefits to the agency Increased revenue Ability to attract variety of staff/increase wages Economies of scale achieved All profits go back into the program to help those that fall through the cracks Enables the organization to do additional activities (team building, buy new equipment)
Future for WAP Providers Opportunity to work with local community, builders and other professionals Changing demographic market/needs Leader in the ever increasing Energy Efficiency industry Diversification helps us to weather the ups and downs of government funding
Opportunities Training (installer, crew lead, assessor and inspector) Weatherization plus Health - IAQ and asthma Environmental services Lead, Asbestos, Radon, Mold The New Energy Code (duct and blower door testing) Multifamily and large building air sealing
More Opportunities Field testing and research Design Build Consulting (energy modeling) Working with your Utilities Housing Quality Standard (HQS) inspections Building Performance Institute (BPI) certifications Time of Sale … Energy Performance Scores (MPG) Sealed Crawlspace with Rodent Exclusion Facilities Rental
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