Beijing, China
Tropospheric ozone Tropospheric ozone (ground level ozone) = bad ozone (not protective) as a result of human activity Sources: Burning of fossil fuels hydrocarbons and Nitric oxides sunlight and NO 2 formation of 0 3 Problems: Ozone absorbed by plant leaves degrades chlorophyll so productivity is reduced Damages crops, forests Degrades many textiles and rubbers (think of an old rubber band!)
Damage from ozone
Photochemical smog Smog is often seen as a brown haze above a large city Sources: Mixture of ~ 100 primary and secondary pollutants (ozone, gaseous hydrocarbon) Largely a product of fossil fuel use in combination with sunlight (photochemical reaction) Problems: Toxic gas (lead to breathing difficulties and health problems)
Smog Pollution in LA
Pollution management strategies Read the information about Milwaukee’s air pollution Use the replace, regulate and restore model on page 282 to evaluate air pollution and develop a management plan