ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich THE CITY Online Navigational Environmental City Information via GIS Marc Bonazountas Joerg Schaller Despina Kallidromitou
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich The City Project partners Project partners ESRI GmbH Germany NTUA Greece ILI Engeneers Germany City of Antwerp City of Athens City of Munich
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich The City Delivers a validated GIS software technology (tool-kit) which is utilised by city departments and other interested parties to develop city- related environmental applications as environmental maps on demand & city environmental navigation however operational on the Internet via any commercial browser Delivers a validated GIS software technology (tool-kit) which is utilised by city departments and other interested parties to develop city- related environmental applications as environmental maps on demand & city environmental navigation however operational on the Internet via any commercial browser
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich The City Deliverables: The city GIS Internet developers Tool Kit Two Applications of the Tool Kit environmental maps on demand city environmental navigation & routing info guidance & user;s manual for the 2 applications three Validations (Antwerpen, Munich, Athens) dissemination & exploitation strategy and Plan Production of a demonstator on a CD -ROM
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich The City Technologies: Standard ESRI GIS internet technologies enhanced by the THE_CITY developer Tool-Kit. ARC/INFO SDE ArcView Map Objects Internet Map Server JAVA technologies (J++, IMS Java classes, JDK, Visual Café, J-Builder) Web interfacing of GIS applications written in Java can draw major advantages of using Web-server- sided Java (Java serv-lets)
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich MapObjects Internet Map Server (IMS): IS G IS IS Internet technologische Barriere
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich 9 Environment Infrastructure Traffic Parcel data Population Budget Social Data Attributes ID Locational data GISGIS Integration by GIS !
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich MapObjects Internet Map Server (IMS): SQL-Navigation VRML-Navigation GIS-Navigation
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Work packages USER Requirements USER Requirements System Architecture System Architecture Technology development Technology development Demonstrations, Validations Demonstrations, Validations
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich User Requirements USER Requirements are based methodological information methodological information interviews interviews review of the literature review of the literature feedback from similar EU projects feedback from similar EU projects interviews with municipalities interviews with municipalities interaction with other telematics projects interaction with other telematics projects contacts with GIS & s/w producers contacts with GIS & s/w producers contacts with credits agencies (VISA) contacts with credits agencies (VISA) additional sources additional sources
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich
System Architecture
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Multi tiered Client Server Architecture
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Loading Tools -Browsers-Parameters -Data Conversion, Import Toolkit Functions Data Navigation Tools -Browsers -Application Server Data Processing Tools -Buffering, Intersect -Arc View
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Infrastructure -TCP-IP Network, DNS Services, Routing services, firewall (Internet), Security services, billing services hardware Software Components Webserver -HTML sources, Java applets classes Application Server Components -Map Objects (MO) IMS and wrapper classes -Application Server Scenarios (appl. Server logic, appl projects, appl objects) Geodata sources, Geodata server (SDE), Metadata Client HTML Browser, JAVA-Applet for status information and special functions HTML Browser, - JAVA-Applet for status information and special functions
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Tool-Kit Applications Distribution of Environmental city information (habitat quality, air quality, noise distribution, traffic emmissions) Distribution of Environmental city information (habitat quality, air quality, noise distribution, traffic emmissions) environmental modelling (air pollution model, noise calculation, habitat balancing) environmental modelling (air pollution model, noise calculation, habitat balancing) disribution of environmental educational data (maps of different air pollutants, parks, green areas, environmental reduction programs) disribution of environmental educational data (maps of different air pollutants, parks, green areas, environmental reduction programs)
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Tool-Kit Tools Pan-Zoom through multiple map layers Pan-Zoom through multiple map layers display data using classifications, graduated symbols display data using classifications, graduated symbols ESRI shape files, ARC/INFO coverages, SDE layers ESRI shape files, ARC/INFO coverages, SDE layers variety of image formats variety of image formats perform spatial analysis and query perform spatial analysis and query perform on-line network navigation perform on-line network navigation use relational DB and SQL queries use relational DB and SQL queries perform address matching & geocoding perform address matching & geocoding track real time events with GPS track real time events with GPS pay via the Internet pay via the Internet open system in terms of data open system in terms of data
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Munich - the city partner project goals
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Decision aid for administration Decision aid for administration Up-to-date information for the public Up-to-date information for the public Dissemination of basic information Dissemination of basic information In-depth-Information for specialists In-depth-Information for specialists Strengthening "environment and health awareness" Strengthening "environment and health awareness" Environment Information Global Aims
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Project goals - mapserver Platform and OS indepence Platform and OS indepence "best viewed with any browser" "best viewed with any browser" Real-time internationalization Real-time internationalization modular application design modular application design Embedded Documentation (xml), perl Embedded Documentation (xml), perl Standard ArcView for Map Prototyping Standard ArcView for Map Prototyping
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Project goals - cdrom data geographical data encryption geographical data encryption viewers on WinNT platform viewers on WinNT platform seamless integration of online internet data seamless integration of online internet data
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Project goals Licensing/interface Open Source Open Source GNU Copyleft or GNU Copyleft or Perl Artistic License for MAPSERVER Perl Artistic License for MAPSERVER open, standardized XML-Interface open, standardized XML-Interface
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich SoftwareSoftware ArcInfo ArcInfo ArcView 3.01 ArcView 3.01 MapObjects 1.2 MapObjects 1.2 MoIMS 1.0 MoIMS 1.0 Apache/M$-IIS Webserver Apache/M$-IIS Webserver Oracle 7/Access-ODBC database Oracle 7/Access-ODBC database SGML w. emacs/perl for documents SGML w. emacs/perl for documents
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich ApplicationsApplications ArcInfo sectoral GIS information system of the city ArcInfo sectoral GIS information system of the city ArcView prototyping for mapserver ArcView prototyping for mapserver mapserver reading odbs mapserver reading odbs CGI/database address-matching CGI/database address-matching SGML document handling system SGML document handling system
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Demonstrations Validations Telepolis City of Antwerp Navigational map for routing Implementation of Environmental Information for route selection User interface for Info Kiosks
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich
Demonstrations Validations City of Athens Remote Internet access Navigational city database Online Air Quality Reporting and healthy routing proposals
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich City of Athens
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich Demonstrations Validations City of Munich Emissions, Immissions Environmental maps on demand Healthy and educational Bycicle Routing
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich
Project status Environmental GIS in daily use Environmental GIS in daily use Mapserver prototyping Mapserver prototyping Mapserver up and running Mapserver up and running SGML document environment in daily use SGML document environment in daily use Cadasdral map of munich in work Cadasdral map of munich in work Navigational Bicycle map of Munich in work Navigational Bicycle map of Munich in work
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich The City Innovation: on-line use of navigational GIS on-line billing and security system packaging of a generic tool-kit portability to evolving needs & interoperability of the tool-kit efficient operation on the Internet metadata features
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich The City Benefits: world citizens have a demand for gratis, on-line and navigational information to be obtained by standard Internet browsers Citizens use systems only when they can access and get at no cost
ESRI, NTUA, ILI, Cities of Antwerp,Athens, Munich For Your Attention Thank You