Lorraine INP The Lorraine University collegium for engineering sciences
ten post graduate schools of engineering (master degrees) Lorraine INP The Lorraine University collegium for engineering sciences
ten post graduate schools of engineering (master degrees) Lorraine INP European School of Materials Engineering (EEIGM) National School of Agronomy and Food Sciences (ENSAIA) National School of Power, Electricity and Mechanics (ENSEM) National School of Geology and earth sciences (ENSG) National School of Industrial System Engineering (ENSGSI) National School of Chemical Engineering (ENSIC) National School of Science and Engineering Management (ENSMN) National School of Wood Industries and Technologies (ENSTIB) National School of Computer Sciences (ESIAL) National School of Engineering Sciences and Technologies (ESSTIN) Offering a unique access to all the fields of knowledge in engineering sciences.
A polytechnic preparatory (CPP) Scientific preparation for students holders of a baccalauréat degree (A-Level) and for foreign students before entering master’s programs Specific preparation in French for foreigners Lorraine INP
A scientific connection to 25 internationally recognized research laboratories and major national institutions: CNRS, INRIA, INRA, INSERM. More than 450 faculty members at the service of engineering education and many technical and administrative staff. Lorraine INP
Membership in multiple national academic networks INP Mines-Telecom Fédération Gay-Lussac Lorraine INP
International institutional partnerships With over one hundred universities spread over thirty countries on all continents. Lorraine INP
More than 5,000 engineering students in training Approximately 1,500 graduates per year, a quarter of foreigners. Lorraine INP
A mission of support for management and development Extensive experience of collaborative work with three priorities: continuous progress, socio-economic initiatives and international action. Lorraine INP
A unique position in a University of students Strong interactions with other collegiums and a culture of dialogue between all fields of knowledge. Lorraine INP
The Lorraine University collegium for engineering sciences