by Tara Zupancic Director, Habitus Research Realizing the Health Benefits of Green Spaces in a Changing World, March 24, 2015, Allstream Centre, Toronto. Green space, air quality and heat: a review A report of the David Suzuki Foundation Faith Vatan Street, Istanbul, Turkey, credit: LEA Invent
”Plant life provides the basis for human life on our planet. So it is important to our health" - Captain Obvious
Credit: Marianne Kingsley, Toronto Public Health
Credit: Gerrie, Parkdale, Toronto
Credit: Tsering, Toronto
Porto Allegre, Brazil, Credit: The Mind Blowing
Faith Vatan Street, Istanbul, Turkey, credit: LEA Invent
Thank you David Suzuki Foundation and Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation EcoHealth Ontario Claire Westmacott Mike Bulthuis
Review question What is the evidence that green space can support health in urban communities by reducing heat and air pollution?
Research focus by year of publication 102 studies
All types count Credit:City of Chicago’s Department of Environment
Size, density and connectivity maximize impact Photo: American Society of Landscape Architects: Laguna Beach, California
Trees, buildings and traffic ATMOSYS is a LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance project, 2013 Pugh et al (2012)
Green barriers in vulnerable areas
Diversity increases impact and resiliency
Health and well being Credit: Tish Carnat
Not all neighbourhoods are created equal (Escobedo & Nowak, 2009; Huang et al., 2011; Jesdale, Morello-Frosch & Cushing, 2013; and Su et al 2011).
Recommendations from the literature 1.Examine spatial differences at local scales as part of larger greening strategies. 2.Explore diverse greening strategies to meet green density needs in urban areas. 3. Where possible, continue to provide cost/benefit analysis to support program planning. 4. Prioritize vulnerable areas. 5. More than greening is required: integrated policies to mitigate heat and air pollution is needed
Faith Vatan Street, Istanbul, Turkey, credit: LEA Invent Questions?