Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering Professor Steve Homans Pro-Vice-Chancellor Convocation Saturday 15 th June 2013
Funding EPSRC: £5.5M partnership with Northumbria Water Ltd. NERC: £2.7M SINATRA (Susceptibility of catchments to INTense RAinfall and flooding) Project EPSRC: £1M as part of an 'underpinning power electronics' scheme, enabling the University to play a strong part in a National programme for power electronics Coastal Community Fund Bid/European Fisheries fund: £1M towards a larger £1.3M scheme to create a collaborative environment in the heart of the Port of Blyth EPSRC: £960,699 for research into High Frequency Degenerate Mode Acoustic Sensors EPSRC: £746,938 to study Energy Efficient Rural Food Processing Utilising Renewable Energy to Improve Rural Livelihoods To achieve and sustain research excellence
Appointments & Achievements Director of NIReS: Professor Phil Taylor - leading expert in renewable energy and academic lead for the UK’s largest Smart Grid £54M project Synthetic Biology: Natalio Krasnogor - EPSRC Leadership Fellow (Synthetic Biology) and Professor of Synthetic Biology Professor Ian Metcalfe awarded a €2M ERC Advanced Investigator award Dr Feng Hao and Dr Nick Walker awarded ERC Starting grants Professors Elaine Martin and Ian Metcalfe received FREng status Mr Jeff Neasham devises £40 ultrasound machine that could be used by health professionals in developing countries where standard ultra sound machines are not available due to cost Lady Elsie Robson officially opened the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation PET Tracer Production Unit (Cyclotron) in conjunction with the School of Chemistry and Northern Institute for Cancer Research
Undergraduate recruitment Institution Name Change in number of accepted places Change % Newcastle University University of Southampton Northumbria University University of Sheffield University of Liverpool University of Leeds University of Birmingham University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of York Durham University Faculty Name 2012 Apps 2013 Apps % increase (2012/ 2013) Faculty - HSS13,55315, Faculty - Medical Sciences Faculty - SAgE School School – Agriculture, Food & Rural Development School – Biology School – Chem Engineering & Advanced Materials School – Chemistry School – Civil Engineering and Geosciences School – Computing Science School – Electrical & Electronic Engineering School – Marine Sciences and Technology School – Mathematics and Statistics School – Mechanical and Systems Engineering Figures include Home, EU and International applicants
Postgraduate Research Students 15% increase in number of applications from potential home research students this year 31% increase in number of applications from international research students PRES 2013 Question Category Q17.a. Overall, I am satisfied with the experience of my research degree programme SupervisionFacilities Research Culture Research Skills Development Professional Development Response Rate Positive Score (Average) % Agree Faculty of SAgE 50.0%85.8%89.0%68.3%90.3%83.8%84.5% Newcastle 55.1%84.6%83.8%68.3%87.3%79.7%83.5% Russell Group 43.4%83.4%80.3%66.7%84.9%76.6%82.4% Sector 41.8%83.3%78.2%64.5%84.8%76.3%81.6%
Internationalisation (Singapore) School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering BEng Honours in Electrical Power Engineering School of Chemical Engineering & Advanced Materials BEng Honours in Chemical Engineering School of Agriculture, Food & Rural Development BSc Honours in Food & Human Nutrition School of Marine Science & Technology BEng Honours in Marine Engineering BEng Honours in Naval Architecture BEng Honours in Offshore Engineering School of Mechanical & Systems Engineering BEng Honours in Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering Research IndustryEngagement
Internationalisation (Science without Borders) Between 2012 – 2016, Science without Borders (SwB) will provide 10,000 Brazilian students with the opportunity to study in the UK 48/49 students across SAgE Schools in 2012; expecting 78/81 students in 2013 “I have no complaints at all. This experience has overcome my best expectations. All the services that I have used so far have been excellent and really helpful.. As I talk to other SwB students from other universities, I see that Newcastle University is one that is most well informed about the program and offers the best support for the students.” SwB 2012 Feedback Questionnaire Excellent % Good % Satisfactory % Unsatisfactory % How would you rate the quality of your programme How would you rate the quality of the support you have received from your School? How would you rate your overall experience at Newcastle University?