MASTERS THESIS DEFENSE MASTERS THESIS DEFENSE Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University BY ARPIT SHARMA ADVISOR: DR. CHITTA BARAL OCTOBER 31ST
Presentation Overview Background and Motivation Problem and Related Work The System Semantic Parser & Pronoun Extractor Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor Logical Reasoning Engine System Evaluation and Error Analysis Contributions and Future Works School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning 2
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Background and Motivation 3
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Background One of the goals of AI : simulation of human-level intelligence in machines Ability to think and reason, based on the commonsense knowledge about things How to measure ? Turing Test in 1950 (Deceive humans in conversation) Not an ideal test A conversation with Scott Joel Aaronson, computer scientist the MIT 4
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Background Hector J. Levesque suggested the Winograd Schema Challenge as an alternative to the Turing test in 2011 Its aim is not to deceive humans, but simulate human-like reasoning process 5
The town councilors refused to give the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence. The town councilors refused to give the demonstrators a permit because they advocated violence Contains a pair of sentences that differ in only one or two words The sentences contain an ambiguity that is resolved in opposite ways in the two sentences Requires the use of world knowledge and reasoning for its resolution School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Winograd Schema Example 6
A Question Answering test A Collection of 141 Winograd Schemas. 282 Total Sentences A Question about each Sentence. School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning The Winograd Schema Challenge The town councilors refused to give the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence. Who feared violence ? The town councilors refused to give the demonstrators a permit because they advocated violence. Who advocated violence? Example 7
Helpful in: Text Summarization Reading Comprehension Deep Question Answering Ultimate Thinking Machines School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Motivation 8
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Problem and Related Work 9
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning The Problem The Fish ate the worm because it was hungry Who was hungry ? Of course Quagmire, the answer is “the fish” Hey Peter, can you answer the above question based on the sentence ? How did you know ? The sentence does not mention it. Ooo!!!! Does that mean I am GOD!!!! No Peter!!! You are just a fat HUMAN!! 10
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning The Problem Humans have commonsense or background knowledge about things and events 11 How do humans get this knowledge ? And, from where ?
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Resolving Complex Cases of Definite Pronouns: The Winograd Schema Challenge By Altaf Rahman and Vincent Ng, Human Language Technology Research Institute, 2012 Used statistical techniques and machine learning framework to combine their results (ranking-based approach) Created a new, Winograd Schema Challenge like, corpus. 941 Winograd Schema (30% test set) 73% accuracy Contains redundancy John shot Bill and he died. The man shot his friend and he died. 12 Related Work
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Google Lions eat zebras because they are predators Queries: “lions are predators” “zebras are predators” What if the sentence is, “Lions eat zebras because they are hungry” 13 Resolving Complex Cases of Definite Pronouns: The Winograd Schema Challenge Related Work
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Narrative Chains “partially ordered set of events centered around a common protagonist” - Nathanael Chambers, 2010 borrow-s invest-s spend-s pay-s raise-s lend-s Drawbacks Only events (verbs) Less in number The Fish ate the worm because it was hungry Who was hungry ? 14 Resolving Complex Cases of Definite Pronouns: The Winograd Schema Challenge Related Work
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning By Peter Schuller, Marmara University, Department of Computer Engineering, 2014 Converted the given sentence into a dependency graph Manually created background knowledge graph Combined both graphs to get the answer Shows usability on 4 Winograd Schema Background Knowledge 15 Tackling Winograd Schemas by Formalizing Relevance Theory in Knowledge Graphs Related Work
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning The System 16
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning The Workflow 17 Given Sentence and Question Answer Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor Logical Reasoning Module Background Sentence Semantic Representation of the Sentence and question Semantic Representation of the Background Sentence Pronoun Extractor Semantic Parser Pronoun to Be Resolved
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Semantic Parser & Pronoun Extractor 18
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Semantic Parser Represent text into an Expressive Formal Representation Preserve Grammatical Structure Syntactic Dependency Parse Distinguish words with same conceptual sense Ontology (WordNet) Uses General Set of Relations Knowledge Machine (KM) Slot Dictionary 19
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Semantic Parser Stanford Dependency Parse of “The man loves his wife” 20 Syntactic Dependency Parse loves VBZ man NN wife NN his PRP$ The DT det nsubj dobj poss
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Semantic Parser Semantic Parse of “The man loves his wife” 21 Knowledge Machine Slot Dictionary Mapping loves VBZ man NN wife NN his PRP$ agent recipient possesed_by Mapping Stanford Dependency Relations to KM Slot Dictionary Using Intuitive Rules
superclass instance_of School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Semantic Parser Ontology Addition to the Semantic Parse of “The man loves his wife because she loved him” 22 Ontology Addition loves_3 man_2 wife_5 his_4 agent recipient possesed_by man instance_of loved_8 she_7him_9 agent recipient caused_by person love instance_of person emotion superclass his wife superclass
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Pronoun Extractor 23 The man could not lift his son because he is so weak. lift_5 man_2 son_7 his_6 agent recipient possesed_by man instance_of he_9 weak_12 trait person instance_of participant lift not_4 negative q_1 weak_3 q weak trait instance_of Who is weak? weak instance_of he son his superclass
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor 24
The Idea is, to learn the usage of English words and the contexts in which they are used School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor 25 Creating query by using formal representation of the given sentence and the question Extracting background knowledge sentences from a big source of raw text That is done by,
Causal Non Causal Temporal Locative School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor 26 The fish ate the worm because it was tasty. Mary took out her flute and played one of her favorite pieces. She has had it since she was a child. Jackson was greatly influenced by Arnold, though he lived two centuries earlier. Sam’s drawing was hung just above Tina’s and it did look much better with another one above it. Categorization of Winograd Schema
Two subtypes of Causal category are solved by the system School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Type2 : Causal Attributive Example:- The man could not lift his son because he is so weak. Who is weak? Type1 : Direct Causal Events Example:- Ann asked Mary what time the library closes, but she had forgotten. Who had forgotten? Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor 27
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor Creating Queries The man could not lift his son because he was so weak. Who was weak ? Query Set 1 (Q1): “.*not.*lift.*because.*weak.*” “.*not.*lift.*because.*so.*weak.*” Queries Type1: Use semantic graph of the given sentence and the question Trace all nodes of the question into the given sentence (except “Wh” nodes) Extract semantically important words (except entities) Also consider the connective words Combine the words in their order of occurrence in the sentence and join them using wildcard (.*) and quotes (“”) 28
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor Creating Queries 29 lift_4 man_2son_7 his_6 he_9weak_12 not_3 so_11 q_1 weak_3 man son not weak so he his person weak agent negative traitrecipient instance_of agent instance_of trait instance_of possesed_by superclass Sentence Question
Queries Type2: Replace verbs with synonyms in query type 1. Consider all combinations School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor Creating Queries The man could not lift his son because he was so weak. Who was weak ? A query among Q1 = “.*not.*lift.*because.*weak.*” Query Set 2 (Q2): “.*not.*pick.*because.*weak.*” Final Queries: Final Set of Queries (Q) = Q1 ∪ Q2 30 Final Query Set (Q): “.*not.*lift.*because.*weak.*” “.*not.*lift.*because.*so.*weak.*” “.*not.*pick.*because.*weak.*”
Using big source of raw text Use search engine School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor Extracting Background Knowledge Sentences 31
Two ways in which sentences are extracted from WWW Example Query: “.*not.*lift.*because.*weak.*” School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor Extracting Background Knowledge Sentences 32
Filtering the extracted sentences Should not contain the original sentence Should contain all the words in the query (in any form) Should not contain partial sentences School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor Extracting Background Knowledge Sentences The man could not lift his son because he was so weak. Query: “.*not.*lift.*because.*weak.*” Filtered sentences: She could not lift it off the floor because she is a weak girl She could not even lift her head because she was so weak I could not even lift my leg to turn over because the muscles were weak after surgery ….. 33
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Automatic Background Knowledge Extractor Parsing the Background Sentences 34 She could not lift it off the floor because she is a weak girl
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine 35
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine Given Sentence Logical Reasoning Engine (ASP Rules) Answer Background Knowledge Sentence Background Knowledge Sentences 36 Pronoun
Answer Set Programming Represent the Semantic Representation of the Given Sentence and the Background sentence in ASP predicates Use ASP Reasoning Rules School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine 37
Winograd Sentence Ann asked Mary what time the library closes, but she had forgotten has(winograd,asked_2,agent,ann_1). has(winograd,asked_2,recipient,mary_3). has(winograd,asked_2,instance_of,ask). …….. School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine Representing the Winograd and the Background Sentences Background Sentence But you asked me the security question but I forgotten has(background,asked_103,agent,you_102). has(background,asked_103,instance_of,ask). has(background,ask,superclass,communication). …….. 38 asked_2 ann_1Mary_3ask agent instance_of agent asked_2 you_102 agent ask instance_of communic ation instance_of
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine ASP rules to capture general properties in Background and Winograd sentences Reachability (Transitivity within context) Cross context siblings (words belonging to same class in different contexts) Negative Words (words with negative word associated with them) 39
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine Reachability 40 Background reachableFrom(background, asked_3,forgotten_10)
Basic transitivity relationship between event nodes in a particular context. reachableFrom(C,X,Y) :- has(C,X,REL,Y), context(C), eventRelation(REL). reachableFrom(C,X,Z) :- reachableFrom(C,X,Y), has(C,Y,REL,Z), context(C), eventRelation(REL), X!=Y, Y!=Z. School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine Reachability Event Relations from KM causes caused_by defeats defeated_by enables enabled_by inhibits inhibited_by ……. (15 more) 41
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine Cross-Context Siblings 42 WinogradBackground crossContextSiblings(asked_2,asked_3)
Words in different sentences (Winograd or Background) are instances of the same conceptual class then they are defined as cross context siblings crossContextSiblings(E1,E2) :- has(background,E1,instance_of,C), has(winograd,E2,instance_of,C), E1!=E2. School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine Cross-Context Siblings 43
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine Negative Polarity 44 negativePolarity(lift_4)
Words associated with a negation word like ”not”, are defined by negativePolarity predicate. negativePolarity(E) :- has(C,E,negative,N1), context(C). School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine Negative Polarity 45
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine Type Specific Reasoning 46 Type1: Direct Causal Events AB P EVENT1EVENT2 XY X EVENT1’EVENT2’ rel1 rel2 rel3 rel4 WinogradBackground Ann asked Mary what time the library closes, but she had forgotten. Who had forgotten?
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Engine Type Specific Reasoning 47 Type1: Direct Causal Events matchingEvents(asked_2,forgotten_13,asked_3,forgotten10) Winograd Background
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning matchingEvents(A,B,A1,B1) :-crossContextSiblings(A,A1), reachableFrom(winograd,A,B), crossContextSiblings(B,B1), reachableFrom(background,A1,B1), negativePolarity(A), not negativePolarity(B), negativePolarity(A1), not negativePolarity(B1). Logical Reasoning Engine Type1: Direct Causal Events Step1: A and B are the reachable nodes in the sentence graph which has A1 and B1 as crossContextSibling, reachable events respectively from Background sentence graph. 48
Pronoun to be resolved School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning 49 eventSubgraph(winograd,forgotten_13,agent,she_11) Logical Reasoning Engine Type1: Direct Causal Events Winograd
Step2: Extract the sub graph from the Winograd sentence which contains the pronoun to be resolved, the event in which it participates and their relation. eventSubgraph(winograd,A,S,X) :- matchingEvents(A,B,C,D), has(winograd,A,S,X), toBeResolved(X). School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning 50 Logical Reasoning Engine Type1: Direct Causal Events
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning 51 forgotten_110 entity1_109 agent forget instance_of forget instance_of Background eventSubgraph(background,forgotten_110,agent,entity1_109) Logical Reasoning Engine Type1: Direct Causal Events
Step3: Extract the sub graph from Background sentence which contains a matching event of the event to which the pronoun to be resolved is related in the Winograd sentence. eventsubgraph(background,A1,S,X1) :- eventSubgraph(winograd,A,S,X), matchingEvents(A,B,A1,B1), has(background,A1,S,X1). School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning 52 Logical Reasoning Engine Type1: Direct Causal Events
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning 53 forgotten_110 entity1_109 agent forget instance_of entity1 instance_of Background asked_103 entity1_104 recipient entity1 instance_of next_event … … eventPronounRelation(background,asked_103,recipient) Logical Reasoning Engine Type1: Direct Causal Events
Step4: Extract the event and relation from the Background graph. It is helpful in getting the final answer. eventPronounRelation(background,D,S1) :- matchingEvents(A,B,C,D), eventSubgraph(background,C,S,X1), has(background,D,S1,X2), has(background,X1,instance_of,X), has(background,X2,instance_of,X). School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning 54 Logical Reasoning Engine Type1: Direct Causal Events
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning 55 Logical Reasoning Engine Type1: Direct Causal Events hasCoreferent(she_11,mary_3) Winograd
Step5: Extract the co-referent of the pronoun to be resolved from the Winograd sentence graph. hasCoreferent(P,X) :- eventPronounRelation(background,C,S), matchingEvents(A,B,C,D), has(winograd,A,S,X), toBeResolved(P), P!=X. School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning 56 Logical Reasoning Engine Type1: Direct Causal Events
The ASP implementation is similar to the Type1 implementation Some more type specific rules are used along with the general rules School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning 57 Logical Reasoning Engine Type2: Causal Attributive
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning System Evaluation & Error Analysis 58
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning System Evaluation 59 Total 282 sentences in WSC Causal category has >200 Causal sub-categories, Type1 and Type2, combined have 100 sentences Results Total Number of Sentences Evaluated AnsweredBackground Knowledge Not Found Answered Correctly Answered Incorrectly Percentage Correct
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Error Analysis 60 20 out of 100 not answered Suitable background knowledge was not found Mark ceded the presidency to John because he was less popular
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Error Analysis 61 Bob paid for Charlie’s college education, he is very grateful 10 out of 80 incorrectly answered Deeper analysis of background knowledge is required I paid the price for my stupidity. How grateful I am. Background Sentence: Winograd Sentence:
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Contributions and Future Works 62
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Contributions 63 Implemented a system to solve the Winograd Schema Challenge by using Background Knowledge Implemented an approach to automatically extract commonsense knowledge Co-Implemented a new semantic representation system (available at
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning Future Works 64 Solving other WSC categories Participate in NUANCE’s competition Creating a commonsense Knowledge Base Solve Reading Comprehension and other problems
65 School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning THANK YOU!!!
66 School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering Arizona State University Solving Winograd Schema Challenge: Using Semantic Parsing, Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Logical Reasoning