Mital Patel Fall, 2008 MKTG 490
Metro Imaging in St. Louis, Mo., is the first outpatient imaging center in the nation to install Hitachi’s OASIS™ high-field magnetic resonance (MR) imaging system Metro Imaging has installed the new OASIS MR system to offer physicians and the St. Louis community access to the most advanced diagnostic imaging techniques currently available in the healthcare industry.
Hitachi Medical Systems America Inc. (HMSA) marketed the advanced diagnostic medical imaging system – a new product from Hitachi Medical Corp., Tokyo, Japan. Metro Imaging, radiologist-owned and operated, has been providing outpatient diagnostic imaging services in the greater St. Louis area since Article link Article link
A Patient's view in a typical MRIThe unobstructed view from OASIS™
First High field open MRI The OASIS combines unparalleled patient comfort with powerful technology to make patient exams as quick and smooth as possible. Its imaging power is further boosted by an array of anatomically-specific receiver coils that allow advanced imaging applications ranging from vascular to orthopedic to women’s health.
Hitachi Medical Corp., Tokyo, Japan.
Hitachi Medical Corp., Tokyo, Japan. (Producer) Hitachi Medical System of America (HMSA) (Distributor) Ou tpatient / Hospital (Buyer) Sale the unit and offer service and financing, package deal. (Dealers) Outpatient / Hospital (Buyer) Segment 1 Segment 2 Hitachi can be viewed as a: One Level Multiple Level
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