CDIO approach to Introduction to Engineering (Mechanical)
R O Y A N G S E N I O R L E C T U R E R School of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
CDIO Standards What is in i2E How we do it Designing a CDIO Project
Modules that requires “fundamental” attentions
Strictly disciplinary curriculum CDIO based curriculum Interwoven by disciplines Problem based curriculum Apprenticeship model DisciplinesProblems + skills Interwoven by skills and projects An integrated curriculum
Workshop Practice
Teamwork Communication Skills CAD Mechanics Electrical Tech Introduction to Engineering
CDIO Standards What is in i2E How we do it Designing a CDIO Project
Introduction to Engineering Design Thinking World of Engineering Workshop Technology ( 2 hour Tutorial per week + 3 hours Workshop per week) World of Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering
Introduction to Engineering Design Thinking World of Engineering Workshop Technology ( 2 hour Tutorial per week + 3 hours Workshop per week) Design Thinking “Design thinking can be described as a discipline that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity.” – Tim Brown
Introduction to Engineering Design Thinking World of Engineering Workshop Technology ( 2 hour Tutorial per week + 3 hours Workshop per week) Workshop Technology Hands on practical work with machine theory. Basic workshop tools i.e. Drilling, filing, tapping, marking tools. Turning and Milling operations
CDIO Standards What is in i2E How we do it Designing a CDIO Project
Workspaces Create the space and later the space creates you Creating workspaces that facilitate group discussions, short lectures and quick prototyping are essential for this module/course. It needs to be equipped with modern engineering tools that support the iterative design development process. Adequate space is also required of system testing and operation – depending on the scope and size of the project.
How do we induce curiosity? How Stuff Works Get students to open up a consumer product. Introduce to them Mechanical Components and Mechanisms Materials Manufacturing processes Electro-mechanical System Engineering
Mechanical Enablers The Hardware Get robotic kits, or materials from hardware shops in your neighbourhood.
Electrical Enablers The Brains Picaxe – Flow chart programming Arduino – C programming, open source
CDIO Standards What is in i2E How we do it Designing a CDIO Project
Designing an experience Create a Challenge Work in Teams Infuse the CDIO Framework
Can - Can Challenge Robot needs to move 500mm to bring an empty can of Ø70mm back to the start line as quickly as possible. The robot must start behind the black line. The can must go past the start black line to be counted. The can will be removed after it is released at the start line. A new can will be replaced after the can is removed. 2 trails for each team, 2 minutes per trial, highest number of cans will be chosen. The team with the highest number of cans collected wins. 300mm 400mm 300mm
Designing a CDIO Project Designing an experience Conceive
Designing a CDIO Project Designing an experience Design
Designing a CDIO Project Designing an experience Implement
Designing a CDIO Project Designing an experience
Designing a CDIO Project Designing an experience Marking Rubrics
Designing a CDIO Project Designing an experience
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