Presentation performed by: Mariya Belozyorova & Tereza Dolejší GENDER MARKETING Presentation performed by: Mariya Belozyorova & Tereza Dolejší
History Aristotel – a man as an active body, a woman as a passive imperfect body Confucianism - thanks to Heaven for being created a man, not a woman Subordination, humility, modesty Childbearing, child-rearing , housekeeping No rights to earn money
Michele Mattelart – Women and the cultural industries 1920s - soap opera, “lonely-hearts” press. Two functions: to promote the sale of household products, to integrate the housewife into her function Commercial model of media In the middle of the 19th century - first works devoted to a “women’s question” rights to economic independence, participation in the political life of the state
In the middle of the 19th century - first works devoted to a “women’s question” Rights to economic independence, participation in the political life of the state Equality of men and women by copying, imitating men -> not that women really wanted Women are different Radio RTL 1978 - “photo-novel magazines“ Today – Latin American films
Melodramatic serial Women´s name as their title Plot: the ups and downs of a love-affair which brings together people separated by social class (or age). Problems: unhappy homes, diseases, illegitimate children, alcoholism, sex and violence
Angela Mcrobbie and the “Real Me” Stuart Hall - appropriation of postmodernity Discursive „I“ Existential questions
Roles. Stereotypes. Features. Gender roles Men Father, son, friend, bread earner Women Mother, daughter, friend, student Stereotypes Family guardian, successful businessman, superman Housewife and mother, wife/sweetheart, businesswoman Features Active, rational, logic, strong, aggressive Kind, careful, emotional, illogic, dependent
BLUE for boys PINK for girls
Focused on responsibility Focused on rights Prospect for close people Focused on others Self-centered Focused on responsibility Focused on rights Prospect for close people Self-prospect orientation Proud of collective achievements Proud of personal success and achievements Pay attention to details See the main idea High susceptibility to flavours, smells Low susceptibility to flavours, smells Well-developed sense of touch Poorly-developed sense of touch Like to talk Like to speak about themselves Think aloud Think silently Delicate Free-spoken Emotional Decent in roles Cooperate Compete Want to hear an interesting story Want to hear facts (only)
Communicating information
Shopping experiences
Research vs. Elimination
Price vs. Brand
Practicality vs. Luxury
Detail vs. Simplicity
Food & Drinks
COLORS Spectrum of colors Bright & soft colors Shades & tints
Differentiation of goods according to the gender factor FIELD Version for MEN Version for WOMEN Automobile industry Honda CR-V Nissan Micra Cosmetics L’Oreal Men Expert Avon Education Technical and engineering faculties Humanitarian faculties Bank products Credit/Debit card “Men’s card” Credit/Debit card “Cosmopolitan” Clothes Diesel Basler Fashion Tobacco products Marlboro Vogue Mass Media “Men’s Health” magazine “Cosmopolitan” magazine Nutrition products Chocolate “Nestle Classic for Men” Frozen semi-prepared products “Goodwife”