Photography Basics
Cameras Two common choices: 1. Compact 2. 35mm SLR
Compact Camera Easy to use easily transportable 35mm film
35mm SLR Photographer control Manual or Automatic features Accessories
Apertures A hole in the lens Referred to as f/number. Smaller # = Larger aperture Depth of field
Depth of Field Large depth of field= whole scene is focused. Use Small apertures: f/16 or f/22 Distance camera from subject
Depth of Field cont… Minimal Depth of Field= Sharp focus on one subject. Use large apertures: f/2.8 or f/4 Position camera closer to subject.
Shutter Speed Period of time shutter stays open for light to reach film. Seconds or fractions of a second: 1/125 sec is average.
Fast Shutter Speeds Capture a moving subject 1/500-1/4000
Slow Shutter Speeds Intentional blur 1/15-30 seconds Tripod highly recommended
Lighting Time of day Direction
Time of Day 4:00-7:00 a.m.=ideal Noon (Zenith)=not ideal After suns decent can be beautiful
Lighting Direction Light behind photographer=even but sometimes flat. Side-Lighting=great texture, shadows, etc. Back-lighting= silhouettes
Rule of Thirds Compositional tool Imaginary 3x3 grid Visual balance
Rule of Thirds Compositional tool Imaginary 3x3 grid Visual balance
Framing Interesting compositions Ideas: overhanging tree branches, archways, hole in a fence, etc.
A Few Ideas Experiment with taking: Portraits Night shots Texture Still Life
Night Shots
Still Life
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