Getting a Probationary Licencse… Must pass MVC’s Knowledge and Vision tests Complete Six months of supervised driving Must be at least 17 years old Trucks, Tractor-Trailer, Buses *During inclement weather it may take a truck up to 25x longer to stop
Tire Blowouts Hold the steering wheel firmly Keep the vehicle straight (car will pull to side of blowout) Remove foot off gas pedal and gradually slow down: But do not use the brakes. Let the vehicle should coast to a stop on its own to a safe area off the roadway Highway Hypnosis You can help prevent highway hypnosis by following a few simple rules: Keep your eyes moving and check your mirrors often Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of intoxicating beverages means that a driver’s senses and judgment are impaired by alcohol
Being Passed by Another Vehicle When a motorist is passed by another vehicle, stay in the proper lane and slow down to make the pass easier for the other motorist. Return to normal speed after the passing vehicle is well ahead Passing A motorist must: Fine of up to $500, up to 25 days in jail, community service, Suspension of license up to 6 months and 2 points. Pedestrians in a Crosswalk Right Turn On Red Procedures Motorist comes to a Full Stop and checks for traffic
Acceleration Lanes (Definition) are extra lanes at highway entrances used by motorists to speed up to join the flow of traffic. Parking regulations Within 50 feet of a stop sign Supervising Driver Requirements Must have a valid NJ Driver’s License Must be at least 21 years of age Must have had 3 years driving experience Step 4: With a Probationary Driver License Unsupervised driving for at least One year Driving time Restrictions under GDL (Under 21 yrs. Old) - No driving between 11:01 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
BAC is determined by four factors: Quantity of alcohol consumed Body weight How quickly drinks were consumed Food eaten Trucks, Tractor-Trailers & Buses Know the Limitations of these larger vehicles: This Includes: Visibility (No Zones) Maneuverability Stopping Distance (During inclement weather it may take a truck up to 25x longer to stop)
Once the behind the wheel training course has been completed (6hrs.) MVC will validate permit. Practice Driving can begin (6 Months) … Driver Improvement Program (DIP) Completion of DIP A motorist who successfully completes a Driver Improvement Program will have three points removed from their driving record. After completion of a D.I.P there is a probationary period for one year. Probationary Driver Program (PDP) A motorist convicted of two or more moving violations totaling four or more points must enroll in the Probationary Driver School Program
Proper Use of Headlights ½ Hour After Sunset ½ Hour Before Sunrise When Visibility is 500 ft. or less Do not use high beams during foggy weather - Used when VISIBILITY IN LOW AND WHEN NO ONCOMING CARS ARE IN SIGHT Refusal of Breathalyzer Test Surcharge of $1000 Insurance LIABILITY
Steps to Recover from a Skid: Take foot of gas Avoid using brakes while recovering Turn into the skid (whichever direction the rear of the vehicle is going turn into it) Slow Down to a controllable speed (25mph or less) Regain Control (hold steering wheel firmly) Turn Slowly Back onto Road (one-quarter turn toward the roadway) Running of Pavement Hydroplaning Ride up on a film of water, starting at about 35 mph
Parking on Hills Always turn wheels RIGHT… Unless parking Uphill with a curb Implied Consent Law Remember: When you sign your license / permit, you agree to take a breathalyzer test if pulled over and suspected of driving under the influence Following Distance in Wet Pavement Conditions Should Be Doubled (2x) 3 Second Rule refers to Following Distance Stopping Regulations for School Buses 10 mph in front of schools Flashing Red lights not near a school – NO PASSING Penalties = 1 st Offense of DUI
Traffic Signals & Pavement Markings
Categories of Signs Warning: Warn motorists of hazards ahead that are difficult to see Guidance: Guide motorists to a destination by clearly identifying the route Regulatory: Regulate traffic speed and movement.
GDL restrictions Failure to do so may result in a fine of $100 or a possible suspension of a motorist’s driving privilege Parking Regulations Within 50 feet of a stop sign 3-Second Rule Following Distance in Wet Pavement Conditions Should Be Doubled (2x)