Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert International Standardization – The effective instrument for competitiveness raising of the Russian Industry Isabelle Heller - Изабель Эллер The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert
Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert 2 The Law on Technical Regulating RF Стандартизация Аккредитация ЕUЕU
Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert 3 The Law on Technical Regulating RF Conformity attestation State surveillance Products and linked processes Standardization Accreditation Mandatory fieldVoluntary field Products and all processes linked to the products life cycle Services Other objects Technical regulations ObjectsObjects Voluntary certification Other processes of the life cycle of products ЕUЕU
Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert Mandatory compliance with essential requirements and voluntary application of standards 4 Mandatory field Compliance with standards / codes of practice Presumption of conformity to essential requirements Level of participation in the attestation of conformity process of a third-party dependent of the risk degree Increasing role of declaration of conformity Importance of market surveillance ЕUЕURF
Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert Mandatory attestation of conformity without third party Declaration of conformity Manufacturer or his representative Technical documentation Federal Body of Executive Power Registration ЕUЕURF Validity period 5 Conformity assessment - Art. 7.3 Surveillance
Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert Mandatory attestation of conformity schemes Modules ЕUЕU 6 Design phase Production phase А: Internal control С:Internal production control В: EC Type examination NB D:Quality assurance of the production process NB E:Product quality assurance NB F:Product verification NB H: Full quality assurance +design control NB G:Unit verification NB + АB or NB Declaration of Conformity
Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert АBАB Mandatory certification ControlTests АBАB Mandatory attestation of conformity schemes Modules 7 Design phase Production phase Declaration RF Declaration based on own proofs Tests АBАB Quality system certificate АBАB and/or ? Possible certification schemes ? Certificate ? Type certification ? ? Compliance with a standard?
Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert High voltage equipment Qualification -х-хх? Low voltage equipment No qualification хххх -х-х Objects of directives and technical regulations Risk level evaluation EURF 8 ObjectdangerQualification of users Directive Tech Reg Third party Appliances burning gaseous fuels No qualification хххх х х? Equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres Qualification хххх х х?
Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert ISO / IEC 2 Different kinds of activities and their results mandatory or voluntary On the basis of a consensus LAW on T. R. Products, Processes, design, production, construction, … Sale and use Works or services voluntaryMaximum account of interests of the stakeholders 9 Standardization EURF Objects of standardsApplicationElaboration WTO TBT Products or related processes and production methods voluntary Consensus not required Electrical installation in habitation Treatment of friable asbestos Electrical installation in habitation Treatment of friable asbestos
Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert ? Specific mark / a unique scheme ? National regulations Compliance with ISO/IEC documents Participation of all interested parties in the definition of principles and certification rules Publication of certification rules and lists of certified objects Mark of conformity Not liable to cause confusion with СЕ marking 10 Voluntary certification ЕUЕURF Few requirements Compliance with national standards
Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert ? Accreditation / notification UERF State member Notifying body Accreditation criteria Notified body for a directive / modules / product category Notification +Criteria Participation in standardization, in coordination of N.B. ? Accredited certification body for a technical regulation / product category / ? State ? Notification ? Accreditation Accredited laboratory Notification ? Notification ? ? /mandatory attestation ? for ? Accreditation for a kind of product/ requirement/ conformity assessment 11 Art ? Accreditation body ? by an accreditation body
Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller The reform of technical regulating through the eyes of a European expert Thank you for your attention Изабель Эллер - Isabelle Heller