Political Economy of the Global South Prof. Tyson Roberts
The Global South includes economic stars and laggards; stable dictatorships, failed states, and democracies
Some questions this class will address What is development, and what are its causes and consequences? What distinguishes politics in the Global South from those in the advanced, industrialized countries of the Global North? What problems do these countries face, and what guidance can policymakers take from scholarly research to meet these challenges?
Course Goals 1.Develop a solid understanding of important theories regarding political economy in the Global South developing countries. 2.Acquire substantive knowledge about politics and economics in a range of countries, including “mini-expertise” in one. 3.Hone research and analytical skills, including the application of theories to specific cases, and written and verbal communication skills.
Course Requirements Map Quiz 5% Country Research Assignments 10% Country Presentation25% Midterm Exam 20% Final Exam 40%
Map Quiz Week 3 In class Blank map with 20 numbered countries
Country research assignments 5 assignments Each student will research a country throughout the quarter Professor will do a sample for each assignment with suggested sources using Benin – So don’t choose Benin No late work accepted First assignment is to choose a country – Due April 9
Country Presentation Over the course of the quarter, each student will deliver a presentation, with slides, on their country, relating to the topic studied that week.
Exams In class Multiple choice & short answers
Extra Credit: Reading Responses Each evening before lecture at midnight, submitted online, answering the following: – What did you think was most important or most interesting in each reading? – How would you rate the reading on a scale of 1-10, and why? Aim for 8-12 sentences for each reading. Students who complete – 5 reading responses will receive 1 point extra credit; – 10 will receive 2 points extra credit. No late work accepted
Books and Readings
The primary texts will be two documentary films
This Thursday we will watch Mobutu, King of Zaire, about what is today the Democratic Republic of Congo
Over the following weeks we will study topics relating to the film Impact of colonialism on national institutions & development Factor endowments & the “resource curse” Economic & political effects of foreign aid Law & order vs. state failure State-led development & import substituting industrialization Coups d’etat & military rule Personalistic rule & corruption
After the Midterm in Week 6, we will watch Our Brand is Crisis, set in Bolivia
Over the following weeks we will study topics relating to the film Ethnic politics Class politics The economics of globalization The politics of globalization Debt crisis & debt forgiveness Democratization & democratic survival Economic effects of democracy Social effects of elections in developing countries
All readings will be available online: