Can You Film Your Way into College? The Power of the College Application Video Percy Angress and Livia Linden
What is a college video? You in a Minute: Who you are. What you do. Where you’re from. Where you’re going.
Why make a college video? Another “essay op” - a chance to show your passion, creativity, ingenuity. Your face in their face – lets the person making the decision “meet” you. A cognitive Post-It – helps you stick in their mind. A way to reinforce your “application theme.” An intangible extra that can help tip the admissions scales.
What is the role of a video in the admissions process? Grades, scores and essays matter most. A video is not for all students… …but it can help you stand out.
But do overworked admissions officers really want videos? Some may say no, but… In practice, if they are seriously interested, they’ll probably take a minute to get to know you better. It can’t hurt… unless it’s inappropriate.
How to Get them to Watch Put the link in the Common App’s “Additional Information” page. State the length – one minute ideal, two minutes max! Tell admissions in one sentence why they should click.
Getting Started: The YouTube “Videothon” Search for “college application video.” Watch for: The basic concept. Applicant’s presence and message. Structure, pacing, music, editing, camera work. Ask: “Would this make me want to admit the candidate?”
Two main approaches: The Big Picture Video Portrays the “whole student.” The Small Focus Video One interest, activity or talent.
The Big Picture Video Academics, extracurriculars, family background etc. The best have a fresh, unifying concept. Warning…
Don’t make a “Laundry List” Don’t cram in everything about yourself. Volleyball Model U.N. Bungee jumping My trip to Costa Rica Sandwiches for the homeless My family and all my friends Snore......
Don’t make a filmed resume. Show them something new… …not what they already know from your application.
Genre: Things You Don’t Know About Me “6 Things You Should Know About Me That My College Application Won’t Tell You”
Large Header Subheader Bold Header Keep paragraphs centered on the page; widen the text block if you need more room. Bullets
Genre: This is Me “Where I’m From”
Genre: The Song or Rap Video “Meet Jodie” “Shelby’s Rap”
The Small Focus Video Tend to be idiosyncratic. Often whimsical or quirky.
Genre: My Passion “Flight of the Jumbo” “Brittany’s World” “Ripley’s Supplement”
Genre: Video Poem “Hi Tufts, It’s Shane”
Genre: The “Quirky Hook” “In My Shoes” “I’m Always Changing” “Stephanie’s Supplement”
Animated Videos Great for shy applicants. “A Film by Samantha” “Jill in 1000 Frames”
How to Make a Video Find a strong concept. Say something fresh and authentic. Technical considerations are secondary – this isn’t a Hollywood.
Your Most Important Piece of Equipment…
Getting Your Idea Think about who you are and what you want to say. Put on your filmmaker’s cap – look at the world with fresh eyes. Get inspiration from other videos, but don’t copy.
Make a Script or Shooting Plan Write a script or shooting plan – you can always deviate. Even a one minute video should have a beginning middle and end. Get feedback from people you trust before shooting.
Technical Tips Any camera will do, even a webcam. Find or set up good lighting. Record clean sound.
Shooting Tips Compose your shots. Avoid background clutter. Shoot close enough to see your face. Shoot multiple takes.
Editing Tips Free, downloadable video editors: Windows: Movie Maker Mac: iMovie If your lyrics are muddy, subtitle them. Keep it tight! Less is more.
Posting Your Video Upload to YouTube. Make it public or unlisted. Decide if you want your last name visible. Authorize or block sharing.
Overview: Video essay dos Do: Study other essays and find a focus. Say something personal and meaningful. Record clear, well-lit images, especially of yourself. Say or sing clearly and record clean sound. Make it memorable!
Video essay don’ts Don’t: Make a photo album. Add small talk. Film testimonials. Shoot pure talking heads. Make it longer than two minutes, max!
And just to keep things in perspective…