Welcome! Social Networking in Organizations
CSCW Workshop San Diego, Nov 8, 2008 Joan DiMicco, David Millen, Werner Geyer (IBM) Jonathan Grudin (Microsoft)
Social Networking in Organizations Types of Organizations Companies Cross-organization collaboration Universities & Community organizations Outside organizations Microsoft employees using LinkedIn 35,000+ IBMers on Facebook Twitter adopted for co-worker sharing Inside organizations Commercial tools: Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs Custom solutions: D Street (Deloitte), CloverLink (4H), Beehive (IBM), OpnTag, SONAR, eLogbook
How are SNSs used by organizations? Used to meet internal team or organizational goals? How are organizations responding? What have we learned so far? What should we work towards understanding?
Workshops Structure Goals Lots of discussion Share experiences, New ideas, Challenges Less formal introductions and presentations Just 3 presentations diverse perspectives & experiences industry & academic time for questions, discussion of issues Introductions When you first speak, introduce yourself & your background
Schedule 8:30 Welcome 3 Presentations Brainstorm topics for the day Finish introductions 10:30 Coffee (15 min) 10:45 Breakout I Breakout Groups by Position Paper Topics Share your experiences, projects, and position papers 11:30 Lunch 1:00 Report back on key issues and interests 2:00 Breakout II Breakout Groups by Key Issues & Interests 3:30 Report back 4:00 Coffee 4:30 Summarize What do we know? What should we work towards understanding? 5:30 End 7:00 Optional Dinner
3 Presentations Patricia Romeo Deloitte Dejin Zhao Penn State University Steve Kuhn SelectMinds
Breakout I: Topics case studies of deploying systems case studies of use methods for evaluating, understanding
Summarize What do we know? What should we work towards understanding?