WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Please go ahead and started on thou DGP and get ready to jump back into the world of Macbeth!
AGENDA FOR THE DAY DGP/Vocabulary 6 quiz on Friday! Flashcards for +5 points extra credit. Finish film comparison/contrast (3 rd block)/ Perform 32-Second Act 1 of The Tragedy of Macbeth Begin working on Socratic seminar questions and answers for Act 1. These are due on Friday, September 30 th. Begin Act 2
SOCRATIC SEMINAR QUESTIONS You will need three level 1 questions.
SOCRATIC SEMINAR QUESTIONS/ANSWERS We are focusing on Act 1 level 1 questions/answers You will need 3 level 1 questions with their answers (along with textual evidence/line numbers). Remember to write in present tense when you are writing about literature. Literature is ALWAYS occurring as one reads it, so it is present tense.
SOCRATIC SEMINAR QUESTIONS/ANSWERS We are focusing on Act 1 level 1 questions/answers You will need 3 level 1 questions with their answers (along with textual evidence/line numbers). Level 1 questions (refer to your house handout): You can find the answer directly in the text. You may not use this example: Question: What do the witches promise Banquo? Answer: They say that his children are going to be kings: “Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none” (1.3.68).
SOCRATIC SEMINAR QUESTIONS/ANSWERS You will need two level 2 questions/answers Level 2 question/answer example: Analyze Lady Macbeth’s behavior when she receives Macbeth’s letter telling her of the witches’ prophesy. Answer: Lady Macbeth is claiming that they will need to kill the king, but she doesn’t believe that Macbeth is “man enough” or essentially tough enough to kill the king. She claims, “Yet I do fear thou nature:/ It is too full o’ the’ milk of human kindness/ to catch the nearest way; thou wouldst be great,/ Art not without ambition, but without/the illness should attend it” ( ).
SOCRATIC SEMINAR QUESTIONS/ANSWERS You will need two level 3 questions/answers Example question/answer: After finishing Act 1, predict if Macbeth will go through with Duncan’s murder. Why or why not? Answer: Macbeth will go through with the murder because of the guilt and methods which Lady Macbeth uses to persuade him. She considers him a coward and less of a man if he doesn’t follow through with the murder: “and live a coward in thine own esteem” (1.7.43). Go ahead and begin working your own questions/answers! We will walk around to answer any questions/concerns you may have
THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH: ACT 2 Don’t forget your on-task reading points You can work on your: Character map (Shakespeare packet) Tragic Hero cause and effect chart Act 2 Socratic seminar questions You can also be annotating your test as we read