3/10 Entry Task What predictions can you make about the novel based on the excerpts and the chapter you read yesterday? Provide specifics from both to support your claim. Today you’ll need your SpringBoard, journal, writing utensil, and book.
Watch the opening credits View the opening clip of the movie, and note your observations in the graphic organizer on page 207. Be prepared to explain the mood set by the opening credits.
Discussion- take notes at the bottom of page 207 When this film was made, color film technology was available. Why do you think the director chose to shoot this film in black and white? What point of view is the novel told in? How is it similar to and different from the point of view established in the opening credits of the film? How is each point of view appropriate for its medium (film/literature).
In your groups 1 person focuses on Scout 1 person focuses on Jem 1 person focuses on Dill Extra person- focus on relationship between characters.
Reread the section from chapter one located on page 209 of your SpringBoard As you read, highlight and annotate textual evidence that reveals your character’s appearance, thoughts, actions or words. Those assigned relationship- highlight and annotate textual evidence that shows interaction and connection between characters. Once you have reread the passage, write a claim about your character’s personae/relationship- back with evidence (write claim on page 210) Share with your team members- everyone write out the claims for the other characters.
HW Read Chapter 2- as you read, track evidence of the conflict between Scout and Miss Caroline. Use sticky notes (with brief “annotations”), or track evidence in your journal (with annotations).