Meet 25O The Start of the HPPA Study… By: Xeno
In HP News, Ariana Grande tweeted that she thinks that she would be in Slytherin! In Pottermore News, members got to read about the funeral arrangements of Albus Dumbledore right before this past Christmas! In HPLC News, the Wizengamot members of 2015 are: Adeluna, Fliffy, and noR! The Order members of 2015 are: Dora and Ginevra! The Wizengamot has begun their 2nd book study, and started the Person Project, with the topic of “Lee Jordan”! In HPCC News, all of the first book activities and lectures are completed. For the second book, 6 lectures are done, and all activities are made. The third book stuff is going to be started by you very soon.
Cribbages Wizarding Crackers: Crackers are party favors used in the United Kingdom at Christmastime. Small cardboard tubes are filled with candy and trinkets, then wrapped in brightly colored paper twisted at each end. When two people pull on opposite ends of the paper, the tube bursts open with a crack and the treats inside fall out.
The Pensieve scene that Harry Potter views on October 14, 1996.
“Rowling is a luminous storyteller. I love her sense of humor and the intricate wizarding world she built around Hogwarts. I think all writers aspire to be like her, to capture readers like she does. But I didn't think about 'Harry Potter' when I wrote 'The Bone Season.‘” -Samantha Shannon
1964: Gilderoy Lockhart is born. Year Unknown: Miraphora Mina, graphic artist who worked on every Harry Potter film, is born.Miraphora MinaHarry Potter film : The film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone premieres in adaptationHarry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneChina
Xeno will still be your main leader, but Weasy may lead a meet and will help a lot Congratulations to the person that eventually gets to lead meets for the second book: Ginevra! Great job! This is now our third study. The grades are still the same… A- or higher: you can move on AND teach! Any type of B: you can move on! C+ or lower: you must take it again! We will still be actively involved through the website:
The PowerPoint technique (left side = could be Extra Credit, right side = Need To Know) will still be the same There will still be an assignment for most meetings. If you hand it in later than the meet that it’s due, for every meet that you didn’t hand it in, you will lose ½ a point At the end, you will be assessed again, and you will receive an Evaluation Sheet, just like you’ll see today. There will be another group project, called the Daily Prophet Project. We will start it next meet!
Go over the assessment Then, Today’s Reading
HARRY POTTER: FILM WIZARDRY “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” “Tom Felton Looks Back”
“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Trailer” Made By: MOVIECLIPS bs
Extra Credit… 1 st British Printing: July 8, 3:45 pm He forms strong relationships with friends and family in this book There are 107,253 words in the entire third book! Film by Warner Bros. in June 2004 Need To Know… 1 st British Printing: July st US Printing: October 1999 Illustrated by Mary Grandpre in 1999 This book is the first time Harry confronts the darker side of his own past, and is really forced to grow up a lot Film by Warner Bros. in 2004
Which book was the easiest for you to write? "Out of the five books I've published, writing Azkaban was the easiest, and in some ways I think that shows."
We are now going to visit: Canon Portkey HPPA Calendar of Events HPPA Differences UK/US HPPA Edits and Changes HPPA Visual Timeline of Time Travel Episode Snitch Seeker Gallery of Cover Art HPPA
Extra Credit… DEDICATION: To Jill Prewett and Aine Kiely, the Godmothers of Swing Need To Know… Dedication is for two of JKR’s best friends in Portugal
Extra Credit… In a textbook Harry is reading, it says “Non-magic people (more commonly known as Muggles)”. Obviously, the writer of the textbook wouldn’t need to define the term… So why? Errol the Owl’s name could be named because of the actor Errol Flynn, OR the sound of the name (error!) Vernon/Petunia’s bedroom is right next to Harry’s Need To Know… This first chapter begins on July 31 st, 1993 (HP’s B-day) J.K. Rowling indirectly fills the reader in on what happens in previous books. However, only for Books 2-4… Wendelin the Weird liked the sensation so much, she allowed herself to be caught and burned many times IF SCABBERS WASN’T IN THE EGYPT PICTURE, the rest of the book might have never happened!
Recently acquired: Quidditch Goggles Box of Gringotts Coins Ron’s Wands I need your help to re-vamp the area. We need AT LEAST: The Books A Quidditch Display A Wand Display Box Display
Find 5 facts for EACH of your chapters. Write them down on paper. DORA: Chapters PA4 and PA7 GINEVRA: Chapters PA5 and PA15
Don’t say it out loud: What year was J.K. Rowling born in?