Halloween is demonic occassion for some Christians but in English country it is realy cool.The symbol of Halloween is pumkin.People make faces in pumpkins and kids go from the house to the another house.
THE HALLOWEEN IS……… On October 31, the day before All Saints' Day
Celebration Scary Films addition to organizing home parties, so visit often. scary film or adapted for the purpose of large spaces where you create special scenes that look like decoration plan of horror films such as Dracula, Frankenstein and The Mummy.
Other Fun . On this day also there are different forms of games, such as fortune-telling with saucers. On Halloween, children and adults dress up as monsters, vampires, ghosts and witches. Costumes are also based on characters from the television. The first Halloween costumes appeared in 1930, when the habit of trick-or- treating (trick or treat) became popular in the United States. Adults arrange marches through the streets of the cities.
Halloween in Poland On this occasion, the adult hosts many cultural events in nightclubs and film screenings in theaters. Schools and kindergartens organize on this occasion extra activities for their students. On Halloween the children come to school dressed as scary movie characters. They go from house to house collecting candy for children happens occasionally, but more often.
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