9 th Grade Library Instruction
8:10 a.m. – 3:40 p.m. You do not have to sign in before or after school. Open to students during lunch
1. Obtain pass from teacher (if coming from a class) and proceed to the Media Center. 2. Place pass in the basket on the desk. 3. Sign-in on the clipboard (indicate computer # if using a computer) 4. When you are ready to leave, have Mr. G. sign your pass and sign-out on the sheet. 5. Return to class promptly.
A pass is only required to use the internet. Students may come to the LMC to type a paper or checkout books w/out a pass during lunch or directly after school.
Students should know their school ID number to check out materials. Media Center has over 18,000 titles for circulation. Most materials circulate for 30 days. Reference materials circulate for 5 days. You may check out magazines also. Limit materials to 4. Your name = your responsibility.
Overdues and Lost Materials Students who have overdue materials will not be allowed to check anything else out until the materials are returned. If a material is lost, the student will pay replacement cost for the material. Overdues carry over from year to year.
1. When coming with a class: You may or may not have a computer assigned to you 2. The lab sign-in will be passed around. 3. Do not sign others into the sheet or skip computers. 4. Lab in the MC starts with #30 and goes backwards. Remember MC guidelines for computer use (no game playing, visiting other sites than assigned, etc).* 5. Log off your computer when finished in lab, * Copy of the guidelines on back of your handout.
Passes issued for: 1.Students who need to use a computer. 2.Students wishing to check out library materials. Students who need a pass should see Mr. G. before the start of 4 th period. Passes can be issued a day in advance.
4 Simple Rules: Please sign-in whenever you come in and out whenever you go. (always with a pass during class time). Always log out when using a computer Keep all 4 legs of your chairs on the ground. Leave the library as you found it (chairs pushed in, materials picked up, etc).
Tutoring is available to students on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the library. Students will be able to receive tutoring and use the computers for class assignments. T-TH 3:40 – 4:30 p.m.
LMC has scrapbooking materials available for use (ink pads, stamps, markers, etc.). Copies can be made for students – 10 cents per sheet. Intensive Study Area (ISA) is used for classes only. Walk around, not through the MC when going to class.
Supplies are available to all students and staff members. Students can make a donation for items, trade items, or simply have an item. Items available: paper, pencils, pens, notecards, folders, poster board, highlighters, notebooks, etc.
Fiction & Story Collection Reference New Books (Fiction and Non Fiction) Ready Reference Table Non Fiction Biographies Magazine Case Computer Lab Student Entrances (3) Supply Closet
Creating an Account for Destiny 1. Click on Delta H.S. 2. Find “Create Account” (upper right) 3. User Name: Enter your last name 4. Password: (P _) then Student ID You will then be prompted to change your User Name and Password You must use your Computer Log in credentials!! Follow instructions from there.