After the Bell Rings: Adapting N ANO for After-School Programs and Network-Wide Meeting December 2012 L IBRARIES
A safe haven in urban neighborhoods Free computer use and internet access Homework help Cool programming NISEnet? Oh, books too where the kids hang out
Queens L IBRARY, NYC One of the highest circulations in the U.S. Serves the most diverse population on the earth an innovation leader STEM initiative 2005, awarded NSF grant for S CIENCE IN THE S TACKS 2005, awarded NSF grant for S CIENCE IN THE S TACKS
$’s STEM programming the Discovery Team Hands on exhibits in the library Queens L IBRARY, NYC Thinking partner Me genes are nano
Children’s L IBRARY Discovery Center L IBRARY + Exhibits Enhanced STEM collection STEM Literacy Opened July 2011
NANO July 2011 – Nov Kids 1091 Adults 289
Queens L IBRARY, NYC More to Explore On your own With your family Bring it back for a prize!
You and P UBLIC L IBRARIES Learning Programming Kids Families Education staff NANO kits STEM Literacy NANO Training Books Literacy know how Busy Librarians After school staff Community Service Shhhhh Kids Families