Arts Award: Explore Now offered at CMS in Year 5! This award is accredited as an Entry Level 3 qualification. You will be awarded a certificate when you pass at the end of April and you and your parents will be invited to an Awards Ceremony in June 2013, to see you receive your certificate on stage! We already offer Arts Award: Bronze and Silver to Year 7 and 8 pupils. Now we have given Year 5 the opportunity to gain a qualification in the arts too!
What do we mean by the arts? The arts is ANY visual, creative and performing arts and come under these broad headings: Art and craft Music and singing Drama (both performing and backstage.) Dance (any type of dance.) Creative writing (eg: poetry, scriptwriting.) Digital media and film (eg: animations, documentaries.)
Is it for you? If you are ready to explore the arts and develop your creative skills, then this level is for you. Doing your Arts Award Explore means you will: Take part in different arts activities, anything from street dance to poetry and includes performing in any Integrated Unit outcome too. Experience arts organisations and artists, find out more about the world of the arts Create your own art and show off your creative skills Present your arts exploration, share with others what you have made, explored and enjoyed.
You will collect your arts experiences in an Explore arts Log. As you go along you will record what you find and enjoy. Arts Award Explore will usually take a term and a half to complete, made up of tutor time sessions once a week and time at home and outside of school.
An example of what your Explore logs might look like...!
You will also produce work that can be presented alongside your Log, like this example. Everyone’s Arts Award journey is different. It’s not like a lesson. You have a lot of choice on what you want to create.
Who will help me? Mrs Everett or Ms Jennings will be your Arts Award Advisors. You will have homework tasks that your family can help you with completing. Your tutors and other teachers who run arts clubs will help you collect evidence for your Explore Log from Integrated Units and extra curricular clubs.
I’m really interested! What do I have to do now? There are only 20 places for this first group. To prove to us how interested you are in the arts, we would like you to complete a task for us in your own time. The deadline for this is MONDAY 7 TH NOVEMBER.
Arts Award Explore application We would like to know more about YOU and your interest in the arts. Answer these questions: 1.What is your name and what tutor group are you in? 2.Which arts do you enjoy the most and why?-look back at the list in this powerpoint to help you think about this. 3.Have you produced anything in the arts that you are proud of? Explain or show ONE example (in or out of school.) 4.Have you been to see any arts events in the last year that you remember? Eg: exhibition, film, music concert, theatre show, performance? This includes school based events and performances too. It is up to you how to present the answers to these questions. They can be written, drawn with pictures, typed in a powerpoint or you could video your answers. Any powerpoints or videos should be brought in on a memory stick or ed to Mrs Everett to the school at