Inferencing Reading between the lines of the text Using text to support ideas Looks like conclusions, predictions, new ideas/realizations about setting, plot, or characters Engaging prior knowledge and own experiences Reading between the lines of the text Using text to support ideas Looks like conclusions, predictions, new ideas/realizations about setting, plot, or characters Engaging prior knowledge and own experiences
Predicting Making an educated guess about what will happen next Not random Not unsupported Not a wish you have for the plot or characters Using prior knowledge based on text and other inferences you have made along the way Making an educated guess about what will happen next Not random Not unsupported Not a wish you have for the plot or characters Using prior knowledge based on text and other inferences you have made along the way
Conclusions Overall opinion formed after reading Using inferences to reach a conclusion Basing off of text and common sense “I can conclude he doesn’t like sports because... ” Overall opinion formed after reading Using inferences to reach a conclusion Basing off of text and common sense “I can conclude he doesn’t like sports because... ”
Prior Knowledge Information you already know Comes from Learning Experiences What you bring to the text: INTERACTION Rude if you don’t bring anything to a party Learning Experiences Information you already know Comes from Learning Experiences What you bring to the text: INTERACTION Rude if you don’t bring anything to a party Learning Experiences
Prior Knowledge Helps you better understand and comprehend what you are reading We understand what we know Helps you better understand and comprehend what you are reading We understand what we know
Trash Can Clues
What can we infer about the family?
Infer? They have a puppy They at least feed their puppy Good brand of food - care about their puppy They have a puppy They at least feed their puppy Good brand of food - care about their puppy
Infer? The family has a baby Not old enough to eat solid food yet The family has a baby Not old enough to eat solid food yet
Infer? A girl Likes Justin Beiber Music too A girl Likes Justin Beiber Music too
Infer? Eats out/orders in Likes BBQ and pizza Not too concerned about healthy eating Too busy to cook dinner Eats out/orders in Likes BBQ and pizza Not too concerned about healthy eating Too busy to cook dinner
Infer? A soccer player Plays a lot of soccer Doesn’t care about getting muddy/dirty Bigger feet - older? A soccer player Plays a lot of soccer Doesn’t care about getting muddy/dirty Bigger feet - older?
Infer? Really hairy person Man - dad Concerned about appearance Really hairy person Man - dad Concerned about appearance
Infer? Likes to color How old? Likes to color How old?
Infer? Went to Disney World recently Family trip - family time Time for family Went to Disney World recently Family trip - family time Time for family
Infer? Watched a movie together Like buttered popcorn Watched a movie together Like buttered popcorn
We can conclude that... Family of at least 3 children, teenage, tween, baby, mom, and a dad Spend time together - Disney Trip No time for cooking Enjoy art, music, eating out Family of at least 3 children, teenage, tween, baby, mom, and a dad Spend time together - Disney Trip No time for cooking Enjoy art, music, eating out
Inferring based on trash = Better understanding of family
How to: Use Clues from text Background/prior knowledge Ask yourself: Can I support with text? Is this logical? Use Clues from text Background/prior knowledge Ask yourself: Can I support with text? Is this logical?
Practice Adam is a chef. He cooks chicken. He cooks steak. He cooks pork. Adam is a chef. He cooks chicken. He cooks steak. He cooks pork. - What are we thinking to ourselves? -Think before you read the questions!
Practice Adam is a chef. He cooks chicken. He cooks steak. He cooks pork. Adam is a chef. He cooks chicken. He cooks steak. He cooks pork. Q: What kind of food does Adam cook? a.pasta b.meat c.fruit Q: Adam probably also cooks... a. green beans b.oatmeal c.hamburgers