Gal. 4:21-31
An Allegory Of Two Women HAGAR Handmaid (Gal. 4:22) (Gal. 4:21-31) SARAH Free Woman (Gal. 4:22) Ishmael (4:22)Isaac (4:28) Son of the Flesh (Gal. 4:23)Son of Promise (4:23) Sinai Covenant (4:24)2 nd Covenant (4:24) Children of Bondage (4:24f)Children of Promise (4:28) Physical Jerusalem (4:25)Heavenly Jerusalem (4:26) Persecutor (4:29)Persecuted (4:29) Born after the Flesh (4:29)Born after the Spirit (4:29) Cast Out, Not Inherit (4:30)Will Inherit (4:30)
An Allegory Of Two Women HAGAR Handmaid (Gal. 4:22) (Gal. 4:21-31) OLD LAW Slavery Ishmael (4:22)Not the promised son Son of the Flesh (4:23)Born of earthly wisdom (Gen 16:1-6, 15) Sinai Covenant (4:24) Offspring are slaves (Acts 15:10) Children of Bondage (4:24f) Kingdom of this world (cp. John 18:36) Physical Jerusalem (4:25) Jealousy (Matt. 27:18) Persecutor (4:29) Born after the Flesh (4:29) Rejected (Mt. 21:43) Cast Out, Not Inherit (4:30)
An Allegory Of Two Women NEW LAW Freedom (Gal. 5:1) (Gal. 4:21-31) SARAH Free Woman (Gal. 4:22) Isaac (4:28) (Gen. 17:15-16, 21)Son of Promise (4:23) New Covenant (Heb. 8:6-13)2 nd Covenant (4:24) Offspring by Promise (Gal. 3:29) Children of Promise (4:28) Spiritual Kingdom (John 18:36) Heavenly Jerusalem (4:26) Jealousy (Acts 13:44-48)Persecuted (4:29) (Gal. 3:14, Eph. 1:13)Born after the Spirit (4:29) (Gal. 5:16-24; Eph. 1:15-20)Will Inherit (4:30)
An Allegory Of Two Women CONCLUSION 1. Old Law is not the promised way. (Gal. 4:21-31) 2. New Law in Christ the heavenly way of freedom. "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith." (Gal. 5:1-5)