Ecology Notes Can’t we all just get along?
Population Density The total number of individuals living in a specific area Example person/km2
Population Distribution Random Clumped Uniform
Gains and Losses in Population Size Immigration- Organisms that move into a population Emigration- Organisms that move out of a population
Gains and Losses in Population Size Mortality-similar to death rate; the number of organisms that have died Natality- birth of organisms
Population growth How would you calculate growth rate of a population? Immigration – emigration + births - deaths
Exponential Growth/Doubling Time Exponential = Growth that occurs very rapidly p x Doubling time = time it takes for a population to double “rule of 70” All populations go through an exponential growth stage but some rely on it and are called r-selected life strategists
Biotic Potential The rate at which a population could grow if nothing was holding it back, no limits What are the limits or “Limiting factors” –space, light, water, nutrients, and shelter
Carrying Capacity The maximum limit a population can hold in a given environment. Most organisms follow this and it follow this and it is called a is called a k-selected life k-selected life strategy strategy
How Density Relates to Factors Density Dependent Factors –Factors that come into effect with population size Populations will grow to their capacity but are dependent upon outside factors –Food, water, space, sunlight Density Independent Factors – Factors that come into play regardless of population size Natural disasters (hurricane, flood, volcano) war Where would disease fit?
Life History Patterns Type I –Humans / Elephants –Few offspring/life longer Type II –Jellyfish / Birds –Constant Death rate Type III –Oysters / Plants / Insects –High offspring-few live to reproduce
How did we get so big?
What will happen in the future? Density Dependent Factors? Density Independent?