Title? Title ‘Genesis’ comes from Septuagint Literally means ‘Generations’ Genesis focuses on God and God’s people Regaining their trust
Original Sin
Genesis 3:1-7 The serpent made Adam and Eve doubt Adam and Eve still chose The Fruit opened their eyes, but did not make them happy.
Metaphor Story not supposed to be taken literally Original Sin is real Humans separate from God God is calling us
Abram / Abraham Born in Ur Immigrated Wife Sarai and Servant Hagar Two sons: Isaac and Ishmael Trusting Relationship with God
God’s Covenant with Abraham God and Abraham discuss the Covenant 3 times Genesis 12 Genesis 15 Genesis 17
Genesis 12:1-10 God promises Abram Great Nation To be blessed His offspring will be given land Abram will be a blessing for all people on earth Abram builds altars
Jacob Son of Isaac 12 Sons Eventually become 12 tribal leaders
The Family Abraham + Sarah → Isaac and Ishmael Isaac + Rebekah → Jacob and Esau Jacob + Lots of Women → 12 Sons (and a daughter)
Jacob was a Busy Man Simeon Judah Joseph Reuben Levi Issachar Gad Dan Benjamin Zebulun Asher Naphtali Dinah
Joseph Youngest of Jacob’s sons Favoured by Jacob Arrogant Sold by his older brothers to Egyptian traders
Joseph’s Political Career Rises to Prime Minister Famine Jacob’s sons come to Joseph for food