Nov 5 and 6 I can use colons correctly. I can use my knowledge of denotation of words. I can score 80% or higher on my WFA. I can apply before, during. And after reading strategies.
Grammar Rule 3 Use a colon to introduce a quotation that is independent from the structure of the main sentence. Example: The teacher used a quotation from President Franklin Roosevelt: “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Do not use a colon if the quotation is part of the independent clause. Example: Franklin Roosevelt said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Complete the handout for practice.
WFA Read the text carefully. Answer on your own paper and then put your answers in the clickers. Go over the answers and chart your data! Warriors Don’t Cry Chapters 1-6 Write True or False. If it is false, change it to true. 1.Melba almost died from pneumonia when she was born? 2.When Melba was walking home from school after the Brown v. Board of Education decision was reached, she was attacked by a white man and almost raped. 3.Melba visits cousins in Louisville, KY and experiences life that is free from segregation. 4.Melba’s mother and father divorce. 5.Elizabeth Eckford arrives at the school alone because she does not want the people to see her with the other students. 6.Elizabeth Eckford is saved by the National Guard. 7.Governor Faubus is in support of integration of Central High School. 8.Mother finally allows Melba to date Vince. 9.The court room was not crowded. 10.The judge renders a decision stating that the students will not be able to attend Central High School.
Warriors Don’t Cry Chapters 1-6 Write True or False. If it is false, change it to true. A is true and B is false. 1.Melba almost died from pneumonia when she was born? 2.When Melba was walking home from school after the Brown v. Board of Education decision was reached, she was attacked by a white man and almost raped. 3.Melba visits cousins in Louisville, KY and experiences life that is free from segregation. 4.Melba’s mother and father divorce. 5.Elizabeth Eckford arrives at the school alone because she does not want the people to see her with the other students. 6.Elizabeth Eckford is saved by the National Guard. 7.Governor Faubus is in support of integration of Central High School. 8.Mother finally allows Melba to date Vince. 9.The court room was not crowded. 10.The judge renders a decision stating that the students will not be able to attend Central High School.
Warriors Don’t Cry 1.Presentations: While your classmates are presenting chapters 1-6, write down important facts and dates that are presented to you. 2.Then score your classmate in the following areas using a four point scale with 1 being novice, 2 being apprentice, 3 being proficient, and 4 being distinguished. a.The chapter was summarized correctly with no important information left out. b.The visual was neat and contained appropriate information. c.The speaker presented the information with a strong voice. 3. Turn in all of your work for chapters 1-6. This includes the questions, the dialogue journals, and the graphic panel representation.
Chapter 7- A Long Way Gone Before Reading- Turn to a partner and discuss the following question. How do you think that Ishmael feels now that he has been separated from his friends and Junior? During Reading - Write down three thoughts or questions that you would like to discuss. After Reading- Ishmael states, "I became frustrated with living in fear. I felt as if I was always waiting for death to come to me, so I decided to go somewhere where at least there was some peace.” How does this quote reveal Ishmael’s decision to exercise control of his future?
Chapter 8 Read Chapter 8 independently.
Exit Slip Beah states in chapter 8 on page 55 “ Our innocence had been replaced by fear and we had become monsters.” Consider everything you know about Beah up to this point. How does he see himself changing as a result of his struggles. Do you agree that fear can make someone a monster?