District Rotary Foundation Seminar Rotary Foundation Seminar Value for money -$$$ in… and $$$ back DISTRICT 9500
District Rotary Foundation Seminar FRIENDS, RELATIVES AND CORPORATE SUPPORT Finding Foundation Funding We are ok at getting contributions from; CLUBS AND ROTARIANS PERSONAL GIFTS Well what about asking our; REMEMBER WE ARE TALKING ABOUT INCOME TAX DEDUCTABLE DONATIONS
District Rotary Foundation Seminar Where you can put your $$$ Contributions; Designated to either >> Contributions; Designated to either >> SHARE System SHARE System All Contributions Spendable Earnings Annual Fund Annual Fund Permanent Fund Permanent Fund PolioPlus Fund
District Rotary Foundation Seminar Growing your $$$ to pay TRF expenses $200,000 Annual Fund Funds raised and invested Funds used in SHARE Funds invested Funds invested Funds invested Funds invested $100,000 DDF & $100,000 World Fund Permanent Fund spendable earnings NOT in 3-year investment cycle
District Rotary Foundation Seminar SHARE System –returning your $$$ to the District After 3 years investment Earnings from contributions designated to Permanent Fund are added to: Annual Fund contributions And divided 50/50 between; - 50% District Designated Fund (DDF) - 50% “District credit” in the World Fund
District Rotary Foundation Seminar For example a US$100,000 District Designated Fund can be divided between For example a US$100,000 District Designated Fund can be divided between $50,000 or less to fund the district grant program Any amount to global grants, PolioPlus, or Rotary Peace Centers Any amount to global grants, PolioPlus, or Rotary Peace Centers Up to 50% Remaining Balance District Designated $$$ can be split
District Rotary Foundation Seminar Control of the two Funds District Designated Fund DDF –District directed –Used by Rotarians in the district –Spent on TRF grants and programs World Fund –Trustee directed –Used by Rotarians worldwide –Spent on TRF grants and programs
District Rotary Foundation Seminar Unused DDF rolls forward to the next year; districts notified in August Unused DDF is calculated; districts notified in May Funds Raised Funds Spent What if you don’t use all your $$$ It is not lost in roll-over
District Rotary Foundation Seminar What you can do with your DDF $$$ DDF District Grants District Grants Global Grants Global Grants PolioPlus Donations PolioPlus Donations Rotary Peace Centers Donations Rotary Peace Centers Donations 50% of contributions 3 years prior 50% of contributions 3 years prior Rollover and Transfers Rollover and Transfers Transfer to another district Transfer to another district Unused DDF rolls over to next year Unused DDF rolls over to next year Up to 50%
District Rotary Foundation Seminar What you can do with District Grant project $$$ (examples) Port Adelaide – Cambodia Project completed by a club member who visits there regularly Adelaide Parks -AGN School. Tamil Nadu, India Year 9 – 12 Scholarships for talented students whose parents could not afford schooling. An ongoing program to establish a supporting Alumni. A 1/3 rd grant (approx) Port Augusta –RYDA Program support to start locally A 50/50 grant 1 time only grant Modbury - Kakinada, India, Disaster recovery 10 Fishing Nets A 50/50 grant $550
District Rotary Foundation Seminar What you can do with Global project $$$ ( John Rowe to outline & comment) Gawler Light – Bali, Host Sponsor : RC Bali Sanur. Refit a Library building including ; building works, fixtures & fittings, tables & chairs and computer equipment Etc. Port Pirie –Thai, English as a second language exchange Port Pirie –Philippines, Divided water project Stewardship
District Rotary Foundation Seminar
THE 6 AREAS OF TRF FOCUS Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development
District Rotary Foundation Seminar District Contacts for your Rotary Foundation Pages 47 & 48 in the District directory Questions? District Rotary Foundation Seminar