To Kindergarten Mrs. Jacobs’ Class
Education: I graduated from Weber St. University with a degree in Early Childhood Education in Teaching experience: I taught kindergarten for 17 years and first grade for two years. I am now back in kindergarten. My favorite thing about kindergarten is watching non-readers begin to turn into readers. I love to teach, read, bake, sew, knit, crochet, cross stitch, and read and play with my grandkids. I have a husband and three children. My children are all married, and I have six grandchildren. I also have a cat named Willy. This is me when I was in kindergarten.
Our wonderful team of kindergarten teachers are: Maestra Lopez-Spanish emergent Mrs. Jacobs Ms. Morton We work very closely together as a team.
Letters and sounds, blending and segmenting words, reading, writing, handwriting, and math is what we spend most of our time on. We also create art, use computers, sing, study rocks, plants, insects, animals, and community.
Homework for the whole week will come home on Monday. It is due either on Friday or the following Monday. When your child is ready, homework reading books will also be sent home on Monday, and will be changed out on the following Monday. You should plan on spending 10 minutes a night on homework and 20 minutes per night reading together. Reading You should plan on reading to your child for 20 minutes per night. I will send home a reading chart to encourage this to happen. Reading to your child is very important to the development of your child’s literacy. It should be an enjoyable experience for both of you. There are many quality children’s books at the library that are fun for both of you.
Our report card is called a “Smart Report.” There are three possible grades to receive. 3-grade level or above 2-below grade level 1-far below grade level
My five basic rules are: 1.Keep my hands to myself 2.Raise my hand to talk 3.Listen when someone is talking 4.Stay busy 5.Be kind I believe in rewarding positive behaviors, and prefer focusing on the positive rather than the negative. Children will be rewarded with “links” which can be exchanged for the treasure box or other rewards. Our class will also earn “links” as a whole to receive class rewards. If you feel that your child requires a special behavior plan, then please let me know. I will also let you know if I feel that your child requires a behavior plan.
Monday-Thursday AM Kindergarten 8: :30 PM Kindergarten 12:40 - 3:25 Friday AM Kindergarten 8: :50 PM Kindergarten 11:20 - 1:25
We go to P.E., music, and computer lab every Friday for our special classes. They will have a different teacher during these times.
Your child will bring home a homework folder. Please send it back to school everyday in his/her backpack.
Contact me by: Phone:
We usually do two field trips. I will need about four volunteers to go with us each trip.
Field trips Gluing and mounting pictures for Memory Book Helping with centers (Once a week) Stuffing homework folders (Once a week on Monday) Helping with teacher prep (Once a week on Friday)
100 Club I want everybody to get into the 100 Club. The requirements to be in the 100 Club are: Count to 100 by 1’s, and 10’s. Make a collection of 100 objects Start practicing now!
Boxes of tissue Glue sticks Reams of white paper (We do have white paper at school, but it sometimes runs out.) Hand sanitizer Sanitizer wipes Small toys for treasure box (happy meal toys or birthday party favors etc.) Box Tops for Education Dry Erase markers Wish List This is a list of items that are not supplied by the school. If you are interested in donating any of these things to our classroom I would love it.