There once was a turkey from Lurkey! He waas craving some choclate cake jerkey He was walking down the road Then got scared by a toad The ugly old man who wanted some jerky By Maxwell
The Fly Who Wanted Some Pie by Morgan There once was a fly who wanted some pie The flies name was kie The pie was so tasty, That it made the fly hasty! The fly never got pie!
The turkey from new yorkey by De’Sean There once was a turkey from new yorkey Who thought he was jerky He saw a flower Which made him a coward That crazy turkey from new yorkey
Their once was a mom who name was Sam, And she always ate ham She love to eat turkey She was crazy and she added some jam ! By Ashley Which made her perky
THERE once was a turkey from New Yorky One time he SWALLOWED a fly Oh my, perhaps he’ll die And it tickled inside her, oh that New Yorky! By nevada WHO thought he was jerky
The Boy who loved turkey and stuffing There once was a kid who loved turkey and stuffing, who started huffing and puffing He started to blow up. And his dog’s pup saved him from blowing up Then the boy stopped huffing and puffing By David D.
There once was a prickly man, Who went as fast quickly as a van. He stunk so bad,he got sad He was the prickly man! By Deborah B. = And he got really mad
A Thanksgiving Story By Declan There once was a boy who watched football, The ball was not a snowball, He also liked stuffing, I’m not bluffing, Oh, what a crazy fall !
The Cranberry by Elysia There once was a cranberry, who love Thanksgiving eating cherries, she came home to her dad, her dad was sad and mad, she and her dad went to the dairy!
THE CRAZY TURKEY! There once was a turkey from gravy Who acted like he was in the navy He really likes pie But when he is fat he can’t fly That turkey from the pot of gravy!
There once was a girl who was Eating pumpkin pie. Then she flew up in the sky. She sat on a cloud, Then she picked up a buckeye. By Autumn Then talked really loud
A Thanksgiving Poem By: Cracheon There once was a turkey, Who wanted some Jerky. The jerky was very Lurkey The lurkey jerky was very perky So the turkey got some jerky
A Thanksgiving Limerick by aj There was a turkey who came from New York The turkey who was kind of jerky That Turkey that was kind of jerky
There once was a boy who played football. I like to eat fireballs. I like to tackle. But not cackle! That boy that played football
Lily W. There once was a dog who would bite. It wasn't quite right. He went in his kennel By accidental! Now the dog does not bite!
The Poor Little Girl (A limerick) By Peighton T There once was a diva who loved gravy, Who’s dad worked in the navy. He came home on Thanksgiving, But he wasn’t very forgiving. That poor little girl named Bailey..
There once was a boy who was nine. He could not think of a rhyme. He was a nice kid, Who lived in Euclid. But he walked into a sign. MY RHYME BY EVAN M.
The Weird thanksgiving by Sean W. There once was a pilgrim from rye, Now he’s going to lie, He had a thanksgiving feast, Then an ugly beast wanted to go east, Then he said he wanted to fly!