By : Luca. Vital Statistics  Born in 1930 in Ohio U.S.A.  Started flying in 1952.  Became an astronout in 1962.


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Presentation transcript:

By : Luca

Vital Statistics  Born in 1930 in Ohio U.S.A.  Started flying in  Became an astronout in 1962.

Why did he decide to explore  Since he was 6 years old, his dream was to fly and he rode in a airplane  Was an airplane pilot first  Was also a navy pilot

What did Neil Armstrong need?  Gear  Food  Water  Oxygen  Big, fast rocket

How did his exploration impact or contribute to society  He was the first person to touch the moon.  He brought rocks from the moon.

[Information to share]  Received 2 gold stars  Won the Korean war

[Information to share]  His rocket was cold Apollo 11.  He received an Air Medal  He flew 78 combat missions (his record)

Bibliography  Fam0us people  World Book  Websites