1.0.Historical Background The history of FEPU dates back to 1955 when the “Ukulima wa Kisasa” magazine was first published in the Lake (Victoria) zone. The paper was specifically for educating and developing agricultural interests to young farmers. As the paper became more popular, it was taken up by the Department of Agriculture, and moved from the lake zone to Dar es Salaam.
Historical Background Cont`d From mid 1960s to 1970s the paper played a key role not only in educating farmers but also in the national literacy campaign of the rural community as it was the only paper which penetrated the rural areas. With popularity and technological development in mass media the Farmers Education activities expanded to include Radio programmes (1965), Leaflets and booklets production (1975),
Historical Background cont`d Films /Cinema (1970) and Video/TV programmes production (1991). The production of Video/TV programmes and Desk Top Publishing (DTP) techniques were started by the National Agricultural Extension Project under the World Bank Credit Loan between 1989 – 2001.
2.0. Objectives 2.1 General Objective The general objective of FEPU is to educate and inform farmers on all matters related to agricultural development and sustainability with a view of raising the national economy
2.2. Specific Objectives Cont`d –Print media – Leaflets, posters, booklets, News papers and magazines. –To inform Farmers and public in general on various agricultural issues such as: - Crop and Livestock marketing. - Diseases/pests control campaigns - Environmental issues - Inputs supply - Agricultural credits
3. Management and Location. FEPU is the Unit Extension Section in the Department of Crop Development (DCD) managed under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS). Its office is located in the Dar es Salaam City centre at Car and General House along the Garden Avenue. FEPU is managed by an Officer – in – Charge
FEPU Management cont`d It is organized into five major sub-units : - RadioVideo/Television programmes - Visual Aids unit. - Editorial - Printing Press with Desk Top Publishing (DTP) facility. Farmer Training and Gender issues in Agriculture
4.0 Facilities and Services Facilities: Professional Audio tape recorders High quality DTP equipment High volume printing machines and accessories. Audio studio with 8 – channel mixer
Facilities cont`d Still picture cameras - Digital Video Cameras – Digital, SVHS, Professional Audio – visual equipment Video projectors Overhead and slide Projectors
5.0 Services Based on the facilities outlined above, FEPU offers the following services: -Print media design and production. -Leaflets »Posters »Booklets »Newsletters,
Services Cont`d »Newspaper, »Calendars etc. »Film/video Episode »Books, »Production. »Video editing
.Services Cont`d. »Script writing »Radio programme planning and production. »Photographing »Mobile video shows using Mobile video vans and Compact Mobile units »Planning and conducting campaigns through mass media
6.0 Staff. FEPU has professionally trained staff in the following disciplines: Training methods in extension including the recent approaches such as: »Participatory Reflection and Action (PRA) »Farm Field Schools (FFS) Radio/TV programme production Design and production of print media. Social Marketing and Research methods Development of Communication Strategies All agricultural subjects including environmental issues.
For details of information please contact : The Officer In - Charge, Farmers Education and Publicity Unit P.O. Box 2308 Tel. 022 – or Fax 022–