CPS Today’s topics Computer Applications Computer Security Upcoming Operating Systems ( Great Ideas, Chapter 10) Reading Great Ideas, Chapter 11
CPS Computer Security: Problem The Problem: Billions in Losses Outright theft Online scams Viruses / Worms o Actual damage o Actions to avoid damage Denial of Service Etc. Possible Traps (Public Systems ! ! ! ) Trojan Horse Onlooker Cameras
CPS Computer Security: Defenses Passwords Using Secure Passwords Keeping them Secure Encryption Simple Strong Good Practices Like all fields, doing something stupid … Tradeoffs Is the cure worse than the disease? Long Live Common Sense!
CPS Good Passwords and Cracking Briefcase (style) Combination Locks Brute force methods: Try all combinations 1. Number of wheels 2. Number of position per wheel 3. Time per trial 4. How long does it take? Contrast to BRUTE brute force method (Always Consider!) Password on a computer + More possibilities per “wheel” + More “wheels” (often up to user) - Computer based cracking faster! - Dictionary attacks Picking a good UNIX password
CPS Encryption When passwords fail, encryption can be fallback Also provides extra level of difficulty Security vs. Privacy Many levels of encryption: Go through some of them Single Alphabetic Substitution Caesar: L FDPH, L VDZ, L FRQTXHUHG Magic decoder ring? Cryptoquote Cracking single alphabetic substitution Character frequency (Length of text)
CPS Encryption Polyalphabetic Substitution The Vignere Cypher The Babbit Solution Cypher Reuse ! One Time Pads Can be Absolutely Secure Computers and Random Number Generators ?! The Key Exchange Problem Threats Using your “secure” channel A padlock analogy Diffie, Hellman, and Merkle solution
CPS Public Key Encryption Publishing the Key! Another padlock analogy Diffie Proposal (1975) Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) Finally came up with a practical method that met the proposed specs Widely used now Based on factoring (not being able to factor!) Primes and Factoring Examples of primes How to factor into primes For large numbers it is very hard
CPS Public Key Encryption Going through an RSA example Public key: N, K Private key: G Message: M RSA : C = (M^K)%N M = (C^G)%N Remainder operator (modulus) % o Wrap around property o Clock or odometer analogy Follow example in Text... Breaking the Code Factoring Digital Signatures Using Private Key and Public Key Replay attack ! Time (analogy: newspaper in hostage picture)
CPS Politics of Strong Encryption These unbreakable* methods called Strong Encryption *more or less Is any method perfect? Government tried to keep them from getting out Encryption classified as a munition Export restrictions... Anecdotes PGP – Pretty Good Privacy Zimmerman Legal challenges Cat out of the bag Recent silence from government Has the NSA cracked it?
CPS Other Attacks (buzz words) Many leave no trace Password Cracking Considered earlier IP Spoofing Weakness in TCP/IP; modern code deals with it Replay Attack Saw in Digital Signature discussion Applies in many situations (copy of your key made at hardware store) Man in the Middle Typically hardware attack Denial of Service
CPS Whom can you trust? How to avoid Viruses and Worms Most infections occur when trying to run unknown Mail or other communications programs the vector Trapdoors Free software may have its price Common Sense Consider alternatives The human factor Gun to the head method The Strong Encryption Trap Forget that password? Bye – bye !