National Core Set Presentation to Public Libraries eResources Consultation Forum 31 March 2011
NSLA’s Project 7 “Collaborative Collections”
Project 7 “Collaborative Collections” NSLA Re-imagining Libraries Strategic Plan Project 7 “Collaborative Collections” National Core Set E-resources initiative
Project 7 “Collaborative Collections” Lead Agencies State Library of Queensland & State Library of New South Wales Outcomes Increased efficiencies and purchasing power through: Combined collection development; and Further developing relationships with creators, publishers and suppliers
Project 7 “Collaborative Collections” Context and scope… identify models for collaborative collection development for both current collections (retrospective) and future acquisitions (prospective). focused on 3 collection formats: e-resources, serials and monographs. optimisation of staff subject expertise to benefit service delivery across all NSLA libraries.
National Core Set - Background
October Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee on “Libraries in the online environment” (role of NLA) – National Site Licensing Forums th National Site Licensing Forum – 9 May 2007 and the launch of Electronic Resources Australia (ERA) which is “a consortia for Australian Libraries for collaborative purchasing of electronic resources” NSLA Consortium – NSLA’s The Big Bang: Creating the new library ( ) plan NSLA E-Resources Consortium
NSLA Consortium – Progress Report 2008 The objective of the NSLA is to enable all Australians to have a defined set of online quality information resources that are of national interest and relevance. By defining a core set and working towards providing access to these e-resources through the NSLA libraries will mean that all Australians can potentially have access to this information as a member of their NSLA library…
Role of NSLA e Resources Con… NSLA E-Resources Consortium tasked with evaluating, costing and recommending a core set of e-resources for NSLA libraries. Four person evaluation subcommittee was formed to evaluate, cost and recommend an ideal set of unlimited remote access e-resources for the NSLA libraries. A core set of 20 products covering 19 different subject category/product types was recommended by the subcommittee in June Two phase approach recommended.
Implementation Approach
Phase 1A – Products (9 products) Oxford Reference Online Premium(SLQ subscribes) AustLit: the Australian Literature Resource(SLQ subscribes) Ancestry Library Edition/ Plus(SLQ subscribes) Company360 – Universe(SLQ subscribes) Literature Resource Centre(SLQ subscribes) Times Digital Archive, (SLQ subscribes) Health & Wellness Reference Centre(SLQ subscribes) Encyclopaedia Britannica Online(SLQ subscribes) Informit Complete package(SLQ subscribes to 5 of the 9 titles)
Implementation Approach Phase 1B – Products (7 products) Oxford English Dictionary(SLQ subscribes) Macquarie Dictionary & Thesaurus(no sub) MacquaireNET(no sub) Oxford Music Online(SLQ subscribes) Oxford Art Online(SLQ subscribes) Science Resource Center(no sub) SMH Archive,The Age and The Western Australian Newspaper package (no sub) Still being negotiated SLQ subscribes to all but four of these titles
Implementation Approach Phase 2 (4 products) - yet to be completed. 1.News & Current Affairs – Current Australian and International newspapers Titles under consideration: “NewsBank” and “ANZ Newsstand” 2.Humanities & Social Sciences – Law Titles under consideration: various Thompson and LexisNexis titles 3.Multi-subject databases – International Titles under consideration: “MasterFile Premier” (Ebsco) and” ProQuest 5000” 4.Science – Technology & Standards Titles under consideration: “Standards Online Premium”
Current Status
Pricing Option 1 unlimited users for all products. Option 2 current level of access plus entry level access for new subscriptions. Option 2 is the Consortium’s preferred option
Current Status Next Steps Negotiation with RMIT Publishing on a multi-year deal for Informit Development of a marketing plan for e-resources (including key messages to public libraries) Negotiation on pricing of the 7 products in Phase 1B to commence in January 2013
Insignificant increase in SLQ recurrent e-resource budget – SLQ already provides remote access to most of the core set titles. The normal access arrangements will remain in place: Queensland residents will need to acquire an eServices card or establish a QPL account to gain remote access to the core set titles. Statewide access licence provisions will remain in place for Encyclopaedia Britannica Online, Health and Wellness Resource Centre and Ancestry Library Edition (onsite access only). Queensland residents will get access to additional titles to which SLQ may not otherwise have chosen to subscribe. NSLA focus on monitoring usage and “marketing” or the Core Set.
Thank you…