Metroland Media Group Ltd. is the largest and most successful publisher of community newspapers in Canada Metroland is Ontario’s leading community newspaper publisher with over 100 newspapers publishing 154 editions and 3 daily newspapers. Each week Metroland distributes more than 4.7 million newspapers. Metroland community newspapers publish 1 to 4 times per week.
Canadian Internet Habits* Internet penetration increased by 6 percent to 78 percent in The average number of hours spent online also increased from 13 in 2004 to 17 hours per week in Canadian Internet users are typically very experienced and have been online for an average of nine years. Canada ranks number one for Internet engagement by its eldest citizens, when compared to other countries around the world. Internet users are multi-tasking more and spending more time online while not dramatically changing their other media habits. With the increase of time spent online, the use of traditional media has declined slightly. However, the 2007 study shows online activities appear to supplement rather than displace traditional media use. * According to a 2008 report by the CIP (Canadian Internet Project)
Strengths of our Community Papers Provide in-depth coverage of local communities. “Hyper-local” Great resource for “Jobs to be done” in the local market. Employees are active members of the community. Content, content, content.
Pillars of our Online products Classifieds Business Search News and Information Events Flyer Distribution Community contribution Real Estate
Huntsville Forester Online
Beyond Newspapers Reach a larger targeted audience beyond our local newspaper readers Deeper more enriching content More control given to readers Faster, up to the minute content Greater interaction with readers Lower costs = affordable advertising Better analysis of impact.
Summary Although we have not seen a huge impact on the success of our community newspapers, we still need to acknowledge the importance of an online presence. Canadians are increasingly going online to search out content previously provided by our newspapers. Development of our sites has allowed us to expand and enrich our business, providing more efficient services to both readers and advertisers.