Who, What, When, Where, Why
WhereWhenWhat Who Why
1, 1 $100 Who works in a hospital and helps you when you are sick? Doctor/Nurse $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
1,2 $100 What does a baby drink out of? Bottle $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
1,3 $100 When do you dress up in costume and say “Trick or Treat”? Halloween $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
1,4 $100 Where do you go to check out books? Library $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
1,5 $100 Why do you go to sleep? Because you are tired $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
2,1 $200 Who is the person who grows food for us to eat? Farmer $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
2,2 $200 What does a bee make for us to eat? Honey $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
2,3 $200 When do you answer the phone? When it rings $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
2,4 $200 Where are seeds planted? Soil/Ground $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
2,5 $200 Why does a bird have wings? So it can fly $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
3,1 $300 Who is the person who flies a rocket in space? Astronaut $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
3,2 $300 What do you hold over your head when it rains to keep dry? Umbrella $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
3,3 $300 When does a bride wear a wedding dress? When she gets married $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
3,4 $300 Where does a bird lay eggs? In a nest $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
3,5 $300 Why do you use a flashlight? So you can see when it is dark $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
4,1 $400 Who is the person that gets paid to take pictures? Photographer $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
4,2 $400 What is the liquid that you have to put in your car so that it will run? Gasoline $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
4,3 $400 When do you sleep in a tent? When you go camping $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
4,4 $400 Where do a king and queen live? In a Castle/Palace $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
4,5 $400 Why does a giraffe have a long neck? So it can eat leaves from trees $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
5,1 $500 Who has a big, red nose and works at the circus? Clown $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
5,2 $500 What does a doctor use to listen to your heart? Stethoscope $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
5,3 $500 When do you take a bath? When you are dirty $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
5,4 $500 Where do you find a cactus? In the desert $$$$$ SCORE BOARD
5,5 $500 Why do you water a plant? So it will grow $$$$$ SCORE BOARD