Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Adding value to Destinations® with videos and using Destinations® as a key resource in careers modules Hermione Berry, Joan Cartledge and Sophie Miller
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Topics Adding value with Video – Birmingham – Bradford Using Destinations® as a key resource in careers modules – Bradford
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre University of Birmingham pilot Destinations® Objectives 1. To pilot Destinations® within accredited programmes and curriculum based activity 2. To pilot Destinations® as a career development learning tool and to identify how it might replace or complement existing resources such as careers centre website, > for personal development planning, and the University’s virtual learning environment, webCT – Personal Skill Award Core module – Personal Development Planning and > – International Students
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Destinations and PDP DVD created to raise awareness of importance of employability and personal development planning – ‘Stand out from the crowd’ Destinations® compared to > to identify ways of improving skills assessment & the personal development resource Student evaluation and focus groups Outcome: – re-design and tailoring of > – International Students lack awareness of the importance of transferable skills and undervalue unpaid experience
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre International Student Project – Identified role models amongst international student cohort and created video clips – Developing transferable skills is a new and exciting concept for international students – Voluntary activity valued along with work experience – Progress tool re-designed and tried out with 135 PSA students academic year
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Play DVDs Nilesh Paray (2.50) – MEng Electronics and Communication – Mauritius Nanjala Nyabola (4.17) – BA African Studies and Political Science – Kenya
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre What next? Addition of activity points pathway to PSA Cross institution recognition of voluntary activity and skills development Concept of the ‘Birmingham Graduate’ materialising Plan to incorporate revised > into student induction and tutorial Next Step - to review career development learning in the University incorporating Destinations®
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Bradford - Destinations® project Developing localised Video Clips WHY? – Tailoring site - need to reflect student diversity and feature local employers – Hopeful it will help students to: identify with the local content and be more receptive to suggestions and advice – Develop clips we can use to support blended learning in module teaching and workshops – Increase our confidence with new technologies
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Bradford - Destinations® project Practical steps – Identified areas of immediate need for localised clips – Recruited a student to help with filming – Developed video clips featuring legal employers and ex placement students – Discussion focus: specific career areas and job seeking skills advice – Developed 5 video clips for sharing with the Destinations ® Community and several more for internal use – Clips now used extensively in careers modules and workshops
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Show Videoclip Mohammad Shah – BSc (Hons) ICT with Business – (Destinations® site: Work experience / The value of work experience / What you learn in the workplace)
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre What we learnt Video clip production – complex and time consuming Students respond well to localised content Careers and academic staff welcome additions Need to promote Destinations® and our tailored clips We can do it despite very limited technical support and we will do more in future! Career Development Services Career and Employability Centre
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Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Using Destinations® as a key resource in careers modules CDS: running careers and enterprise modules for 12+ years 2008/9: – 402 students studying on ten “CDS owned” UG and M level careers modules – significant input into 9 other “school owned” modules Project: How can Destinations® support and potentially develop our careers teaching?
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre How are we using Destinations® in teaching? Career and Personal Development module students - primarily level 2 and 3 UG (some PG and MBA) – Embedded in VLE (Blackboard) and links from CDS website and intranet sites – Videoclips, exercises and activities used in lectures – Referrals in tutorials and guidance / advice appts. – Self-directed study resource – Self-directed study “units” developed using Course Genie Future? New on-line modules with Destinations® as core component
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Course Genie Project Semester /9 How can we get students to “deep link” to the site in a controlled way?
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Our thought processes Blended learning – how do we engage our students? Trial whether self-directed study using Destinations® as core component (instead of a lecture) would engage students Encouraged by example from Sandhya Tanna at Reading University Course Genie staff development course Develop staff skills with e-learning material Support from Learning Technology Team Future on-line learning developments
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre What did we do? Career and Personal Development Module for Economists (Semester /9) Developed “Opportunities for Economists” self directed study module for week 3 (Developed Word document, converted to on-line learning unit using Course Genie, modified and tested) Included: quiz questions, research tasks Embedded in VLE (Blackboard) Evaluation – Quizdom Survey, Focus Group
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Summary of Quizdom Feedback (17 respondents) 1Levels of engagement a) Went through it all 1 b) Looked at most of it 7 c) 50% 4 d) Took a quick look 2 e) Did not look at it 3 2Usefulness of the learning experience a) Did not enjoy the learning style and would have preferred a session 5 b) Enjoyed the learning style but too much information 5 c) Enjoyed the learning style but would have preferred more exercises 4 d) Enjoyed the learning style and useful in scope, information and activity 3
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Quizdom contd.. 3Would you like more of this style of learning? Yes 6 No 11 However, overall: A positive outcome with 12 responses stating that they enjoyed the learning experience as opposed to 5 who did not.
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Focus Group Feedback “I looked at it but then started doing something else and after that I just forgot about it.” “It is very helpful and I will call on my fellow students to use the opportunity to take time to look at the website.” BUT: To get students to use self directed study material they stated that we need to link the activity directly to module assessment.
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Our Reflections Steep learning curves! Pilot relatively successful in “safe environment” BUT - how do we ensure students engage with self-directed study? AND - how do we know they have used the Destinations® material? Destinations® stimulated our Teaching and Learning development. Recent developments include: – use of audio feedback – use of video for personal reflections (PDP using PebblePAD)
Career Development ServicesCareer and Employability Centre Current developments Continued integrated use of Destinations® in modules Further developments using Course Genie: – Goal Setting, Action Planning in “Managing Yourself and Others” (Careers Module for Pharmacists) – CVs and Covering Letters for generic careers modules (to support taught sessions) – TBA : Others to fit with new on-line careers module PebblePAD e-portfolio – forms to link directly from Bradford Destinations® site to PebblePAD
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